Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Hanging on, like a hair in a biscuit

Day three of my resolution "Try being happy" and still in the game.

Tim and Massey got back from their visit to Georgia around five and  had dinner ready by six thirty. My momma's awesome meatloaf recipe (best ever).  Asparagus casserole, mashed potatoes and yeast rolls, compliments of Sister Shubert.

No dinner is complete without bread in my book.

Then Tim dropped the bombshell.

He had dinner last night with Zach and his girlfriend?

What the Hey?

No wonder he doesn't need me, he has another woman bossing him around now.

Apparently life goes on.


If only I had Zach and my sister living here... would be the total Utopia.

Instead I will creep on my younger son via social networking and continue to stay positive. I'll talk to my sister as much as I can on the phone and FB as well. I'm too stupid at my age to figure out Instagram or Snapchat and have no interest in learning. Learning Pandora wore me out.

When life throws you a curve ball, whack it out of the park.

I look at these pictures. The pictures of my life. Some are there yet we are here.

Love travels.

Can't you see?

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