Tuesday, July 30, 2019

I'm One Year From Being Sixty...Today

What a ride!
I hope I have at least thirty years left in me.
I'll be a great crazy ole lady, I've been practicing for years!

I hit my peak when I started having kids.
Every new job we got was better.
We were better.
Life was better.

We hit the financial skids when we weren't looking for, or expecting it.  (along with the rest of the country) We were well into our twentieth wedding anniversary together when  every single thing fell apart. Then our marriage almost did as well.

We teetered for about three years. 

Never play the blame game in marriage if you are both working hard to correct mistakes.

Instead be grateful to have a partner in life willing to work as hard if not harder than you.

We're getting old, but it certainly beats the alternative.

I'm growing older but not up.

Cheers to Me!

I wish I was almost sexy instead of almost sixty,
but I'll take life any way I can get it.

It's true...
Love is all we need.

Happy Birthday to Me.