Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Home From the Now Hated House of Employment

You know, I was one of VERY few employees...actually probably the ONLY employee that genuinely loved their job and loved going to work. This whole shopper episode has left such a bad taste in my mouth that it makes halitosis seem sweet.

I feel like the managers are watching my every move (mainly because they are) and when they asked if I wanted to stay or go tonight..."GO!!!" came flying out of my mouth on it's own. I just wanted to leave. When I was in the office handing in my money the manager said he had watched me and that I had done a good job of slowing down and taking my time.

So basically I have to change from the type of person I have been for 49 a new person that I don't recognize or relate to if I want to keep my job.

I told my general manager that the reason I seem rushed and manic is that even though I am fifty, I work circles around all the people I work with... most of them in their early twenties, do my job and most of theirs all the time. For twelve years this has been fine...but since being bought out by a huge corporation, suddenly I am not an asset but a liability.

I never thought that I would want to leave this job, but if changing WHO I AM is a prerequisite for me keeping my job...maybe it is indeed time for me to think about moving on. I will HAVE to keep this job and seem happy about it til my husband gains employment. But the minute that it happens I plan to splurge on getting my blog copyrighted...make a list of my fave blogs and begin submitting to newspapers, magazines and anyone who will look at my writings. Maybe I could be the next "Carrie Bradshaw" or the new "COTTON" posting a column.

I know this is far fetched and most likely unattainable, but I just can't give up being "ME" it is who I am, who I have been and who I want to remain.

Don't ask me where this new font came from, I am on my daughter's laptop and can't seem to make it go away. I kind of like it though, I took my glasses off and can still read it! I am not sure why we have switched to yellow text either, but it is really hard for me to read so I guess corporate can even see me at home and want me to end my rant. Don't worry, I'll be back. Big brother must be REALLY watching me...kinda scary but kind INDICATIVE of how lame I am on a laptop. (We'll leave this one out when I submit my blog to editors.)

Hopefully back to the right color tomorrow....COTTON

PS. I finally got the text close to the original color again, still not sure what happened...guess this ole broad isn't cut out for a lap top.

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