Wednesday, December 22, 2010

YIKES...Is Christmas ReallyThree Days Away?

Yeah, I know..."Massey, Massey, Massey."

But I love this pic and my boys prefer it when I leave them out of my blogs totally.

It scares me to think that they are even old enough to know what a blog is...much less that they all three "Star" in one!

I miss my kid's being little. When kid's are little so are their problems...unless they have major health or emotional issues.

I am blessed, my kid's are just doofuses. All are healthy and  all driving me crazy...I wouldn't want it any other way!

I just remember a time when they were all so little. I remember a time when they were just toddlers. It was the only time I liked the time change in the Fall. I would come home from work, Tim sleeping to get up at 1AM to go into the bakery to run his route and I would say at  6 PM "Put on your PJ's and Momma will read you ONE more story."

That worked for about three years until they learned to tell time. "DANG those pushy teachers."

It was a time when they were all so innocent.

 It was a time when they all go through those imaginary friend/imaginary language stages.. I can remember a time when Zach was little that any and every time you asked  him a question, his answer would be "Broccoli."  He  said it like "Brockly!"

That lasted almost a year but we all learned to take "Brockly" as a sign that all was well with him.

You could ask "Zach, are you feeling okay?" and his reply would be "Brockly!" Always an upbeat answer that needed an exclamation point.

Then the boys moved on as teens. My first boy aced high school without ever cracking a book and graduated with a 3.9 GPA.

Massey struggled in elementary school but was so stinking cute her looks and attitude shoved her through.

When Zach was about in third grade...his older brother told him there wasn't a Santa. I was ticked! I believed til I was in seventh grade (so I was slow...can't hate me for that.)

Zach asked me one day to tell him the truth and when I did his reply was "So it's all just a big fat lie?"

I think that it when he turned into a Socialist.

Massey rebounded in high school and has so far sailed through. My oldest boy is still fumbling but finding his footing. My middle boy is debating and fighting hard against the system...any system (Good Luck), but I love all three of them.

I have earned every gray hair on my head and will not color one of them...that would signal defeat.

I miss my little kids. They were so cute and cuddly. They made profound statements as little kids that will stay with me a lifetime and are charted in my journal.

 I  remember coming home from work on Christmas Eve...didn't get off til almost midnight and had tons of things to put together. One of them would wake up and I would say "You sound like you are coming down with the sniffles. You don't wanna be sick when Santa gets here...have a little Benadryl and go to bed."

So I doped my kids. Got me an extra hour of sleep.

They aren't little anymore. They are two young adults and a teen. They are still kids.

I don't think they will fall for the Benadryl trick anymore.

But thanks to many and thanks to family we will have a great Christmas here.

A special shout out to a Mom that I have always admired. Her younger kids went to school with my younger kids. She has been the CEO of a household of four kids and done an amazing job. She was hands down my favorite mom to talk to and commiserate with in those elementary years that we thought were so important ( who knew I would have a Zach to worry about) "Brockly" !!

She is a Mom I admire...and although I admire many, she is one that I truly envy. Not  in a bad way but in a good way. Crazy as it seems...she likes my blog and it means the world to me that she likes to read what I write. I will try to keep her entertained...with my three kids and my three dogs, it shouldn't be hard.

Merry Christmas (Til tomorrow night)


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