Monday, December 13, 2010

"Cold" is an Understatement...

I left the house at 10:20 this morning for was a balmy 26 degrees. The high today was 29.

After lunch I had a short break and ran a few errands. The wind was ridiculous. When I left out the back door of the restaurant I had to hold a large rock in my hands so I wouldn't go skittering across the parking lot. As always I was almost out of gas and stopped to pump my usual five bucks worth. I thought I would literally freeze to death before the pump slowly rolled around to the $5.oo mark.

I picked Massey up from school, took her home and headed back to work. I drank three cups of coffee and stood by the coffee machine with my hands wrapped around the pot for warmth.

When I left work at 10:00 tonight it was 22 degrees. Tim was leaving for work as I pulled in..."Ship's passing in the night."

I hate that he has to work on that loading dock to begin with, but in THIS weather it almost seems like cruel and unusual punishment.

Even my dogs balk at going outside...well not Charlie. He's an idiot and any time you walk toward the back door he is ready to go out. I think it stems from him living with TJ for so long in an apartment. Here he has a huge yard and plenty of places to sniff and hike on.

I've been home from work for well over an hour and still have my coat on.

Tonight is certainly not the night to be homeless but millions are. I think about what my family has been through and have decided it is nothing compared to the millions that are scrambling for shelter as I sit and type on a computer.

I think about my friend whose son is recovering from some extremely serious injuries caused by an IED in Afghanistan. I think about people who don't have a network of family and friends like I do but are all alone in their battles and personal struggles.

I'll be honest...a few months ago I felt like a charity case. The world was crashing around me and I wasn't sure what would happen to me or my family.

 By the grace of God and the help of family and many friends we have not only survived but  been blessed beyond belief.

We have a long way to go but we are back on the right track.

What has happened for me needs to passed on to others.

My blog is my personal journey. It has been my saving salvation. My writing lets me express myself and lets me vent. I have kept a journal since I was 10 years old. To have your life written down and available to read and re read is a treasure. So many things are instant and easily erased ...texts, comments and emails. To have a hard copy of your life is priceless  and I am fortunate to have that .

To the literally hundreds of people that have read or commented on my blog..."Thank You."

Please don't stop my life gets better I will have so much more to write about.

So many people have come to my aid, so many people have kept my family not only afloat but  taught my kids what it is to care about someone and what a beautiful thing it is to be loved.

My family has been humbled and have all learned how great the power of love is.

As cold as it is outside (and it is balls to the wall COLD) I am warm in my house sitting here typing in my winter coat and hat that my Aunt Tillie knitted for me, thinking about what a wonderful life I have.

I want every person to think about what they can do for someone else. As I have been blessed,  I have the "Pay it forward" fever.

When you do something for someone else it comes back to you ten fold.  When someone blesses your own life you need to bless another's. When good things happen to you ...pass it own. When bad things happen  know that it can turn around.

My life fell apart a year ago.

One year later,  I am not rich but I am surviving and  moving mountains in my mind.

To all who have helped me..."I needed it and can't begin to thank you enough."

To the millions of others who are in need...I will continue to pay it forward for the rest of my life.

I am a lucky, lucky woman. Granted I am freezing but my heart is warm and toasty.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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