Friday, February 8, 2013

Technology is Exhausting to Me

I went into work at three thirty today and clocked out after eleven tonight. I started out running  and quickly went into scrambling mode. I've worked there for three years and have never seen it busier. That's a good thing, but hard when you're fifty three and running on fumes. I made my goal which was pay my sis back the loan she gave me and have gas money.

I  came home and sat down to log in on the computer. Most peeps log in to facebook first...I log into my bank account first. "Server down" No connection. That's bad karma in my book. I called Charter (our provider) and crossed my fingers that someone who was fluent in English would answer. I've called before and felt  like I  was calling Mars. Sometimes you  can't even understand them and they certainly can't understand you. Just saying...

I have called when they  say "This is Quan, how I can  help you?" I simply hang up and redial until someone speaks to me in clear English.
I hit the jack pot and got "Emily" on the first  try. While we were trying to fix the problem, she even  heard my dryer buzz in the background and said "Your clothes are dry."

I should have gone to bed two hours ago, have to be at  my new gig by  ten in the morning but had such a great experience with Emily that I wanted to share it. After going through  the robo menu and finally hitting the "Speak to an agent" button I crossed my fingers hoping for an American. No diss meant for the over seas help  but I struggle with computer issues and language barriers don't help.

Emily felt my pain about not being able to access my bank account. We chatted throughout the entire process and once she got me back on line,  informed her  I was in fact the proud owner of  one hundred and thirty six dollars! She replied "That beats the heck out of  seeing  a negative balance...been there done that."

Outsourcing is a big gripe of mine.  Don't charge me American prices and have me talk to someone in Indonesia when I have an issue in Newnan , Georgia. It's just not right...or as they would say "That no good."

So I should be in bed and will be there shortly.

One last note. Went and got "My Hurr Did" today. It cost $7.99. I tipped her six bucks and walked out looking like a lesbian (as my kids say) for under fifteen bucks! I love it, it's short but so am I.

Saturday  and Sunday I am a furniture salesman (hence the haircut)

It's nice to work there, laid back and relaxed. Let's see if I can sell some stuff this weekend!!

I should have saved "Emily's" cell. I think we could be BFFL's.

Til next  time...COTTON

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