Thursday, February 23, 2012

Get By With a Little Help From Your Friends

I was all excited because I just worked the day shift today and had tonight ALL to myself! Massey was working tonight, Zach was too and Tim was in the "Black Out" bedroom sleeping til 11PM for work. I got off at four and went home to pick the kids up and take them back for their shift. I stopped at  the gas station on the way back home and filled up my gas can. Went directly into the bathroom downstairs right off the kitchen and peeled off  work tights skirt and blouse leaving them in a heap on the floor. Proudly put on my John Deere T shirt and a pair of Capri's, tied on my tennis shoes and went straight back out to the garage.

The weather has been freaky here. Today was 74 degrees with hurricane force winds (not really but the wind was whipping around like crazy,) It has been so warm that all my bulbs are up and many flowers have already bloomed. My grass actually NEEDED the middle of February!

I went into the garage and moved the drop cord and step stool off  "Ole Johnny Dear" and noticed that in his state of winter hibernation two tires had gone almost flat. No worries...I always have a couple of fix a flats...actually I may be a stock holder in the Fix a Flat company. I pumped the ole boy up, filled his tank and set out a roaring! Mostly I just needed to cut back the weeds  mulch the leaves and with the wind at my back then in my face and then whirling all around me I finished in just under a hour.

I was going back over the yard to spread out all the clippings when my neighbor, Mr. "Slow"Lee came sauntering out of his garage to lean across the back of his diesel truck to have a smoke and stare at me...which meant "Are you gonna cut my yard too?"

For Pete's sake! I didn't want to but as long as ole Johnny was pumped up and filled up I may as well cross the great divide I call my driveway and make the ole coot happy. I finished his front yard in about thirty minutes and even attempted to cut his back but it was too wet and after getting Johnny stuck in mud twice I gave up. I had clippings of grass and leaves all in my face and hair and even had mud all over my back side where I got stuck in his lowland areas. I rode back to my side of the driveway and took my now muddy shoes off. (I had to push the mower out of the mud twice)  I came in  the kitchen and the phone was ringing. I looked at  the caller ID.  It was work calling. I answered the phone and Massey said "We need you  to come in, we have a party of 20 a party of 14 and another 10 just walked in." I told her I had just gotten off the mower and was covered in clippings and mud. She said to shower and hurry back!

Massey likes to bus tables but hates to seat. People get unusually ugly when it's a teen at  the host stand and tend to frighten even the adult hosts so I couldn't much blame her.

Since I talked her into going in tonight to help because they had a few large parties I immediately felt guilty. A shower was out of the question, by  the time I got there they would be buried beyond rescue. I went back into the bathroom  got my work clothes off the floor and pulled them back on. I drove back to work with the windows down and the clippings flying out of my hair at an almost amazing pace. I was back at work fifteen minutes after hanging up the phone with her.

The twenty top fizzled, one person showed up only to find out somehow she was a week early. I helped out for a few minutes and calmed Massey's nerves by staying at the host stand while she bused and reset the the tables. (Her forte')

I left around 8:15 so I could go home and pull my lawn mower back into the garage before everyone in the neighborhood was asleep. (Johnny ain't real quiet and I always put "baby in the corner" of the garage to sleep)

Less than a hour later I made my fourth trip to the restaurant in less  than ten hours. It was if nothing had ever happened. The place was all but empty, cleaned up with no evidence of the chaos I walked into.

I didn't do much when I was there but all it takes is one person to take up the slack help a few people with just a few things and  make the whole process flow a LOT smoother.

Barb gave me a bottle of wine...that's all the thanks I need! The bartender tried to tip me out but the offer is all that matters. She forced the money onto Massey to give to me but I'll let Massey keep it...she hung in there when the pressure hit and deserves it more than me. It's a crazy place where I work but a crazy place that kept our heads above water for quite sometime. What helps even more is all the people working tonight were people  I would help at any time for any reason and they in kind would and HAVE often done the same for me.

For the first time  EVERYONE in my family is working...including all three kids. If they are willing to help who am I to not help THEM?

"You get by with a little help from your friends."

We are steadily, sometimes shaky but always constantly getting to a better place. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and it seems I am raising giants and couldn't be prouder!

It's Karma. It's the Golden Rule...It's getting by  with  a little help from your friends.

Til next time..PROUD COTTON

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