Sunday, February 5, 2017

At Least I Win

I'm not a big football fan. Actually I'm not really a big sports fan. I am a Georgia Tech fan but honestly couldn't name one current Tech athlete. I can name two Falcon players, Matt Ryan and Julio Jones. Ryan is the quarterback, no clue as to Julio's position but guess it's running the ball?

I can name every player on General Hospital and tell you who they used to be married to or came back as, going all the way back to 1978.

I was kinda pumped the Falcons made it to the big dance at the Bowl this year. I may (am) not a big sports fan but know how the game of football works...mainly because I was a cheerleader (captain no less) in high school.

If (the 1977) Luke Spencer had been the quarterback with Jason Morgan, Milo and Max blocking while (the 1989) Sonny was running the ball... would have been a total win! The Quartermaines (owners of the team) would be high fiving each other while a bomb exploded, injuring Tom Brady. Bobbi Spencer (who used to be a hooker) and Amy (always gossiping) would nurse him back to health and fight each other over who would marry him next.

In other words...

It's not really that big of a deal.

It's a game.

Life's a game.

The real game.

Keep it real.

Relax when you can but fight when you need to. Surround yourself with true friends, always.

I know may be (probably) trivial and not really important to anyone other than myself but my Blog feels like it is my  purpose. I'm a crazy person (like being a little cray cray) but am a good person. It's my go to place. It's my feel good thing. It's the place where I can say anything, and I have a lot to say.

Case in point.

This country, my country is so divided right now that think everyone...and everybody is too fixated on their own view and resort to hate instead of reasoning. I also worry what kind of Soap Opera we are creating?

Sounds like a total fail, but simply can't be.

We (Americans) need to stop being a Soap Opera.

He's the elected President. He has a horrible hair do and an immigrant wife. (just saying)

I want him to succeed. I hope he does.

If he does, kudos to him and  us. If he doesn't, go vote.

We'll all be okay. Just stop hating.

My message to America?

Til next time, COTTON

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