Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hangin' On

"I'll tell them how I survive it. I'll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pleasure in anything because I'm afraid it could all be taken away. That's when I make a list in my head of every act of goodness I've seen someone do. It's like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious...but there are much worse games to play."

This is the last line of  "Mocking Jay." Haven't enjoyed a series of books this much since I read about my new kick a** friend, Lisbeth in "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" series.

I love me an underdog!  Maybe because I felt like one for almost three years but have survived and lived to tell my story.

My life is actually pretty stinkin' great now. We are still in financial recovery but compared to three years ago, are living the 'High Life."

I still have bad days but of my own choosing. I work too much and I know this but simply can't help it. When you begin to advance it is hard to stop. (At least for me)

We've had a few setbacks...well maybe more than a few but nothing working hard doesn't help alleviate.

In my opinion,  we are living the American Dream. Work hard, live by The Golden Rule and above all else have faith in God and yourself.

For the very first time every person in our house and even the one that faltered but flew after a tough love shooing out of the nest is working and it feels me AND them.

It hasn't been easy but  has made an impression on me that will remain forever.

I work for  kooks, but then again I AM one. They have helped me out time and time again and all they have asked is that I work hard for them.

When Zach had his "Unfortunate Incarceration"  co workers gave him rides back to the "Pokey" so I wouldn't have to go back and pick him up after working ten and twelve hour shifts.

Massey had plenty of love thrown her way too.

I just seem to be loved and it is a wonderful feeling.

Yesterday  I took my lil' car in for tires after seeing steel belts showing on the back two. I called my  BFF at  the tire place and warned him I was coming. Massey and I got there and at least six other people were waiting. I walked in and the owner said "Well hello, Mrs. Cotton." He took my keys  and immediately told one of his guys to take my car and put on two new tires. Massey and I went out front to sit in the sunshine and read our books. Not twenty minutes later they rolled my car out of the bay and we were good to go...all six people still sitting reading newspapers and magazines. I didn't feel guilty until he said "That will be $ much are you going  pay?"

I told him I had half but would be back the next  day with more and have him paid off by  Friday.

He shook his head, smiled and handed me my receipt. When we left, Massey made the comment "Do you  think those other people who came in earlier and paying in full were ticked when we left first and only paid half?"

I told her "Maybe he told them we were relatives."

I went by  today after my lunch shift,  gave him another chunk of money and told him what Massey said. He smiled again (he is the silent type) and quietly said "I told them we  were cousins."

It's things like that. It's things like my brother in law changing my oil to  save me thirty bucks. It's things like co workers taking Zach home from work so I don't have to go back after working twelve hours to pick him up. It's my sister loaning me her car. It's my brother spoiling Massey like she deserves but that I can't afford right now.

 It's's people taking time out of their life just to help me.

It is humbling but a fantastic feeling. It makes me get up day after day after day and work shift after shift after shift.

If all these people do this for me...I'm not an underdog anymore. I am one of the luckiest people on this planet!

Have tomorrow off...cutting Mr. Slow Lee's grass next door and helping out the owners of the restaurant at a wine event...payment: Free Chicken Cacciatore!

Dang it feels good to be worn out but know that life IS getting by day, friend by friend, co worker by co worker, relative by relative and blessing by blessing!

Til next time...Contented COTTON

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