Saturday, June 9, 2012

But It Feels SO Good

So maybe this ISN'T a picture of me. But some stupid,  supposed friend or family member took this picture and put it on Google images. If it WAS me, I would hunt the photographer  down and kill them.

I cut the front of the subdivision the other day right after it rained. Of course in  true fashion I wore Daisy Dukes, a tank top and flip flops. In retrospect I should have known better but they'll have to pay me extra to think AND cut the front!

Came home covered with Chigger bites. I know them all too well. Zach got zapped by  them when he was just eight and building a fort in the woods behind our house. I bet I used three bottles of nail polish on his tiny nuts before we got rid of them. I think that's the last time I saw him naked...but he hugged my neck as I slathered on the last coat of pink nail polish.

There seemed to only be  few and at first I thought it was mosquito bites.

I learned in the past four days that although it feels fabulous to scratch them, "They ain't skeeter bites."

I keep meaning to stop by the pharmacy on my way home from work but they really don't start itching me til I am home, car and butt parked and then I remember.

By that point  I resemble my Diddy when I was little and he finally got home from work He ate dinner, was tired and seemed to enjoy watching MASH or All in The Family while he scratched his Athlete's foot. Gotta feels pretty good.

The ones on my back I got Massey  to hit with nail polish. The ones on my legs and feet need it too but all our nail polish is hot pink or blood red...Sixteen year old daughter. (go figure)

All my Facebook friends were starting to freak me out and after I saw this pitiful picture of this not too photogenically pleasant looking man on google images I thought to myself...if they can eat up a 250 pound man, imagine what they can do to my skinny ass?

Taking an Aveeno bath before work, and stopping by the pharmacy on the way TO work.

"Kinda" freaked out now, but if the past two years haven't killed me I doubt a Chigger will.

I am the type to move EVERYTHING to the back burner...that's why I have two on my stove.

I have ten shifts to work this next  week and all of them are double shifts. That should leave little time for scratching.

My life is nothing if not a comedy of errors, goofs and amazing comebacks.

Headed to bed to enjoy scratching for a few more hours before I rid myself of yet another one of life's annoyances....Can you  consider Donald Trump an annoyance  and will nail polish make HIM go away?

(I just made myself laugh)

Til next  time...COTTON

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