Saturday, August 28, 2010

If Life is a Test...I Didn't Study Hard Enough

A friend of mine used to have a tee shirt like this and I always loved it...of course that was before the big "Cotton Crash" of 2009.

In the last year I have learned more lessons about life that I ever thought were possible. I have learned how to send prayers up quicker than texting with "word" and learned how to patiently wait for answers seemingly coming "snail mail."

I have learned that the world IS round and "what comes around goes around" is not a saying but a fact of life.
I have learned that people seem to enjoy me pouring my heart out for them to read and that empathy can be very consoling .
I have learned that Prayer is an often under rated tool by many.
I have learned that a lot of things my Mother said to me in my youth weren't as stupid as I thought they were when she said them.
"The more you give, the more you get."
"The older you get, the smarter I will seem."
"You don't have to say you love me, I know you do."
The tide seems to be changing...slowly but surely.
I received a comment about one of my blogs today and she said that she tries not to read my blog daily because she gets sucked into my life. She meant it in a nice way and went on to say that I have taught her to have a sense of humor no matter what happens can't hurt and often helps.
If having a sense of humor helps, I oughta be a millionaire. I'm not, but I am a person that can laugh at myself and my circumstances. Sometimes if you don't laugh you'll break down and cry... crying makes my eyes and face all puffy and really isn't my best look. I am already fifty and quickly going gray...puffiness in the facial area isn't going to get the bills paid and if I am going to be broke, it will be with a smile and a sense of humor.
I don't think the evil monster "Wells Fargo" can deny our loan modification, stipulating that I was "too funny" for the program. If they do, I'll just sue them for "humor bias" and hire Wanda Sykes to represent me.
Life appears to be getting back to normal. We're still late on a lot of things...but as my Mother ALSO said "Better late than never."
My husband still sweats every problem, call and letter.
A BIG thank you goes out to him for being the 'Realist' leaving me to be the comedic relief.
HEY! We're a team..what can I say?
What IS important is that we ARE a team. I've been with Tim since I was 28 years old. We have been through some rough times and granted this has been the "MO FO" of them all. But we are still together, our kids are healthy and driving us nuts (that means they are normal) and have made it this far and discovered how much we are loved.
It may sound may sound weird, but what comes to my mind is the song from "The Sound of Music." Massey, my sister and I know ALL the words to the entire soundtrack and could put on a play for you if we COULD sing. Okay, Massey CAN sing..but I don't think she'd get on board.
This sums up how I feel about the past year. It tells you that if I hadn't had the parents I had, if I hadn't been raised in a wonderful home environment...I wouldn't be the person I am today and wouldn't have the blessings of love coming at me from so many directions and so many hearts.
"Perhaps I had a wicked childhood
Perhaps I had a miserable youth
But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past
There must have been a moment of truth.
For here you are, standing there loving me
Whether or not you should.
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good.
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could.
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good."
I am blessed with a wicked sense of humor...without it I would had given up months ago. My God, my family and my friends and even readers have seen me safely to the other shore. It's a rocky shore... but a place where we can regain our footing and begin to rebuild, regroup and hope to one day pay forward.
I have decided to go viral with my blog...maybe upload it to Youtube. Now you can not only read my drivel but see me reading it aloud...I promise NOT to sing!
Til next time...COTTON

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