Thursday, February 25, 2010


I stand corrected!
My good friend "Carl" (that's what we'll call him) is a customer at the restaurant where I work. As soon as I walked in the door this afternoon he walked up to me and said "I am a multi tasker!"
Number one...obviously he reads my blog.
Number two...obviously he feels he is a multi tasker.
Every since I learned how to upload pictures and videos (it took me a while) I like to include one for each blog. Since I didn't have any pictures of my friend "Carl" I decided to upload the closest one I could find...hence the above photo.
Number three...Carl may not be speaking to me tomorrow.
He's a really nice guy that has been my champion throughout all my recent trials and tribulations at work and always tells me what a good server I am and that I seem to just be getting a bum rap and to hold my head up high and keep on being me.
He said this morning when he was cooking eggs while frying bacon and toasting toast, he thought to himself..."I wish Cotton could see me now!"
He also said I was pretty much right about the rest.
Maybe Carl is just an exception to the rule. Being a bachelor helps men multi task tremendously, unless they are rich enough to have a household staff.
I don't think Carl has a house hold staff, but he does have a mother that makes the best divinity I have ever had rot my teeth out. Every Christmas she sends me a sack full of her famous "Healthy snack" and I eat it up like crazy. Only about a third of it makes it home to the kids and they always wonder why she sends such a small portion in such a big baggie? I tell them that was probably the only size baggie she had and to be grateful for what they have not for what they want!
I really like ole "Carl." He knows how I am , knows how to take me and seems to like me anyway!
I pick on him a lot, but like I always say "I only pick on the people I like." If I don't really like you I don't waste my wonderful sense of humor and sarcasm on you. I save that for my favorite people and hope that they know in my wacky way it is a true complement.
Obviously I am an extremely complementary almost oozes out of me!
Carl is one of the regulars that come into our bar. Sometimes he has a drink or two, sometimes he just comes in to eat and socialize. Some of the regulars make it to work before the bartender. I'm not one to cast stones but a couple of these codgers spend more time at our bar than they do at their kitchen table.
Life is made up of all sorts and all kinds ... that's what makes the world go round. At least the one I work in. Sometimes when I walk into work and only two of them are sitting at the bar I will comment "Hey Larry, Curly...where's Moe?"
These guys are always nice to me and some of the most loyal customers we have. I'd take them over some of the people I have to wait on ANY DAY!
So "Carl" is a multi tasker...let it be known I forgot that some guys can actually take care of themselves.
Til next time...COTTON

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