Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Pressure Seems To Be Easing Up...HUMPH!!

Another day done and I'm still employed.

I got lucky at work...only one crazy table and the rest were great!

I had a ten top of drinkers (yippee) and a few other tables when I came up to greet a table from behind. One guy sitting with his back to me.

As soon as I welcomed him with our fake greeting I looked down to see my brother sitting at the table.

It's always great because I know he wants a bloody mary and a bone in rib eye with a salad with bleu cheese.

My brother is hands down my hero. Smart enough to only marry once and stupid enough to love me and my sister through thick or thin (there's been enough thick to choke an elephant.)

His tip was almost as phat as him and I wish I could have chased him out the door and given it back but I was already thinking about how now the mortgage check would clear!

I made $55 bucks off the big drinkers and had one of my regulars come in with his wife and family and ended my night up feeling like a bandit when I walked out the door.

I'll just have to take it one day at a time and one shift at a time.

Tim has upped to four part time jobs and we are definitely on the road back. I just wish it wasn't such a long road.

I slept 12 hours last felt better than a vacation. My brother once again unknowingly saved my butt, no one complained about me at work (that I know of) and I am back home to hopefully sleep another 12 hours before hitting the doors at work again.

It's so easy to get into debt and so hard to make a comeback from it.

Two months ago I wouldn't even think it possible now I see a light ahead.

Pray it isn't a freight train barreling down the tracks towards us and we should be okay.

Came in from work and one of my dear friends that used to work with me... who has moved on to a REAL job mailed us a ton of free sandwich and salad cards from her company...Massey already has them split into groups for us all (wonder what she hid for herself?)

Life sucks but Life can be good.

I have been dealt a blow but I have been uplifted...

I was at the bottom but with help from family and friends we are scrambling our way back.

That's a good word for it..."Scrambling."

That sums up my life over the past year...but you know what? "Scrambling" is my best friend these days.

It allows me to be behind or fading fast..but as soon as I can it allows me a breath and the will to scramble further. It allows me to accept help from others and helps me with my crazy deposit strategy with my bank. It helps me make dinner out of assorted left over cans in my cabinet and all the kids say how great it is.

It allows me to work 33 days in a row , then sleep 12 hours and scramble back to work.

My life has always seemed to be a scramble so at least I haven't been shocked by the turn of events.

I am a lucky, lucky woman. I have a husband who loves me (God bless him ) and three great kids that keep me awake if nothing else. I have 3 pups I adore and a sis and bro that have been there every step of the way...whether the steps were back or forward.

The public sector is currently killing me, but as a good friend wrote to me..."KARMA KARMA KARMA."

No wonder my brother's intials are "JC"

He's my Super Star !

"Hey JC, JC... You're alright with me"

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