Thursday, July 23, 2009

What am I Gonna Do With Her...What am I Gonna Do Without Her?

One more day of guard camp at the high school. Nine to nine...go home smelling fine! I told her tonight that she needed to wash her unitard out EVERY night with Woolite. Of course when you have 25 (by 10:30) stinking girls out on asphalt from nine to nine every day, the smell just melds together.

She has been a trooper though. She hasn't complained once. She comes home at 9:30 every night, eats a quick bite and goes to take a bath. She gets online for a few minutes and talks to a few friends on the phone. By 10:15 she is OUT!

She has lost five pounds this week. She is getting into terrific shape, learning discipline and commitment... and having a good time to boot.

She has one more day of "BOOT CAMP" as I call it. On Sunday morning she leaves for Band Camp in north Georgia for a week.

I was looking for my nail polish remover tonight and couldn't find it. She was taking a bath and of course the door was locked tight. I asked her where my polish remover was and she spat back "I dunno."

Let's see... she and I are the only two females in the house and the boys tend to shy away from painting their nails. Maybe my female Boxer felt the need for a "ME" day and was doing her talons out in the dog house. I KNOW who has my remover or at least moved it from the spot I keep it . But she swears up and down that she hasn't seen it (that means she has lost it, but at least she's not actually being totally untruthful.)

I told my husband as I was rinsing out her unitard "What am I going to do with that girl?" I think what I meant to say is "What am I going to do WITHOUT that girl?"

I love all three of my kids equally... but they all give me different feelings and emotions. I fret about my boys, after all men aren't known to be capable until the age of thirty.

They would rather me forget they were there until they get really hungry or broke. They throw me a kiss and tell me they love me, but for the most part unless they are sick they want their own space and I give it to them.

Massey is totally on the other end of the scale. She needs me twenty- four seven and I LOVE it.

When your kids reach those tumultuous teen age begin to miss those good night kisses and those times when they had a bad dream and just want to snuggle up with you.

I am lucky that my boys are decent men...they both need some work but will eventually find some woman who will shove them down the right path of life. I'll have to remember to send that woman a Thank You note.

Some girls at Massey's age are really a piece of work and make it hard to even pretend that you actually remember loving them.

She can make me mad. She can really tick off her brother that is still at home. Then she can do something so wonderful and sweet that you realize how lucky you are to have her be a part of this family.

God bless the man that marries her. She is a high spirited filly. She is still an innocent and naive girl and shows no desire to be cooler than she thinks she already is. Ya know...he will be a lucky, lucky man come to think of it.

It was tough getting her here. She was due in October, came in August and had me on total bed rest from early June till my emergency C-section in August.

Since, she has been a delight and a blessing, readily welcomed when I was already living in a house with three men.

We have that female bond. We can give each other a look when one of the males say something that we both know is laughable, and they NEVER know. But WE do.

I hope she always loves me as much as she does now. I hope she is never embarrassed by me or doesn't want to be around me. I know kids go through that stage where their parents are a "Total Drag."

I hope that she only has that feeling about her father, not me.

My husband is wonderful and an excellent father. I just know that he could take the snub with more grace than me.

I want my girl to always feel close to me... like she does now.

Boys seem to want to turn into men quickly...and girls seem to want to be the Princess forever.

Sometimes my boys act like I am the wicked witch, and my girl always just wants me to be the magic fairy god mother.

You know what it really is? She is already a "Woman" and she is WORKING me!

I'll have to give her credit, she is learning to "Work It" and she's doing pretty stinkin good.

I'll still miss her and her devious ways!

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