Friday, July 24, 2009

Just Exhausted

Going on month five of husband being out of work. No fault of his own, he sends out over ten resumes a day at the post office and is looking for work every day.

Meanwhile I feel like I am working every day. I almost am at six days a week. What worries me is that if I am getting depressed, how bad does he possibly feel?

I made my daily pilgrimage to the grocery store dragging my son along to load the groceries for me. The woman who checked me out asked how business was and I told her it was picking up a bit. They all know me at the store, know where I work and since I am a regular who bags her own groceries and takes them out too, they all seem to remember me. (especially the bag boys who can't accept tips)

She is a nice pleasant older white woman, one of my favorite cashiers. She was ringing up my groceries with a nice young black kid bagging. I totally mean no disrespect calling him that. "African American" came way after I was born.

When I was young, (much to my regret as an adult) they were either called the "N" word or "Colored."

To me, these are people, as equal and as qualified as me...sometimes more so.

She said that things would be okay according to our President, and gave me a wink.

Who was that wink for? Was it for me , letting me know that she thought the President was a joke, or was it for the bag boy... to seem supportive while giving me the "You know what I mean" wink ?

Either way it rubbed me wrong.

I know I live in the deep south. I know that my views on politics are taken as ridiculous.

I also know that this country voted our President into office with not only the popular vote but the electoral vote.

He is trying to help this nation...trying to help people exactly like me.

Socialism and Marxism is in Cuba. There... a bell boy makes the same wage as a doctor. Ask anyone in France or Canada what they think about their health care system and you would be hard pressed to find complainers.

Our President has been in office for seven months, with a four year term to serve. Can we quit bashing him and SUPPORT him while he tries to get us out of this hole that the nation got into before he was ever in the picture.. or will we berate and belittle every thing he says?

We can spend billions and billions and billions on a war that is in the wrong country to begin with, but other Americans are upset that he wants to spend that same amount on helping Americans me (people that have no insurance).

I say let's give this man a chance. Throw some support behind the effort that the administration currently in (elected) power is trying to make.

I wonder sometimes, are people just that racist, narrow minded... or stupid? Did the last eight years help us much? Can we venture to say let's try this another way?

"FDR " was a Democrat and brought this country back from scraping the bottom of a soup kitchen bowl to a country that is awed by every other nation.


He has already said he would make mistakes, and he has. He will again. I also believe that he wants to change this nation for the better and that with an enthusiasm that this country hasn't seen since the Camelot years, I say "LET HIM TRY."

My family is moving into a desperate situation. I am the only one working. I am trying to balance working six days a week with making sure all the kids think everything is okay. I try to help out others, my neighbors ... my relatives and co workers while keeping my own kids unaware of the fact that we are sinking .

I have a good job, a really good job. I am blessed with that, but looking at the immediate future, I look to the leader of my nation, after looking to God.

I have had friends and even strangers help us out and for that I am truly grateful.

If I can't rely on the leader of the free world to be in my corner...I am REALLY exhausted.

Like I told my sister, I am tired of people sending me FB quizes.."DO you support the President?"

You know where I really like to express my opinion? In the voting booth. That's the opinion that matters and that's the one that has him in charge of our nation. As I have found out personally in the last few months... support can truly make a difference.

I don't voice my political beliefs on FB or twitter or myspace.

But this IS my space and I just was so depressed tonight that it felt good to get it out.

I have faith in the fact that our President is looking out for people like me and the people in general.

I may be wrong, but he has four years to prove me wrong...can't people at least give him some slack after only seven months?


Anonymous said...

"He is trying to help this nation...trying to help people exactly like me."

He's going to help sign your name, your children's names, and their children's names to a $1,000,000,000,000.00 check!

Anonymous said...

We've already done that for the war without much hesitation, we have to help the future generations and it isn't going to be easy or cheap...nothing worth having ever is.

Anonymous said...

So, Socialism/Communism is what you are advocating for future generations? Wealth redistribution? After socializing health care, what's next? Gov ownership of the major corporations? Transportation? Then housing? Liberal utopia?

Anonymous said...

Waitress and Mom, Do you not find it the least bit ironic, that you're advocating a system that lots of people died fighting against, just so that you could grow up spoiled, in the most powerful, freedom-loving, affluent country in the history of the world?

Auto'Blog'raphy of a Waitress & Mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Auto'Blog'raphy of a Waitress & Mom said...

You do not know me or how I was raised, but I certainly wasn't spoiled by any means. I have and am entitled to my own opinions and beliefs. Just because they differ from yours doesn't make them wrong. If you disagree so strongly you also have the option of not reading my blog. It's MY blog though...start your own, don't belittle me for having my own opinions.

Neal Cobb said...

On July 28th, "Anonymous" wrote, "...After socializing health care, what's next? Gov ownership of the major corporations? Transportation? Then housing? Liberal utopia?"
I don't think that providing health care to our people is going to lock us into either socialism or communism. It hasn't done so in many of the industrialized western countries that now provide health care for their citizens.
Lately, one wonders if the GOP doesn't see the USA as a country of, by and for the corporations, rather than the people.
By the way, "Anonymous" sign your name to your comments, that's the American way.

Anonymous said...

"I don't think that providing health care to our people is going to lock us into either socialism or communism." This is known as 'creeping socialism/communism'; how much of it are you comfortable with? You currently work 'til about the first of April for the Government (28% tax). Tell me, how many more 'Government Months of Employment' do you feel comfortable with, to pay for healthcare? Is the end of June okay? (50%)

Is rationed healthcare worth it? ~ You 're told by your doctor, " You have macular degeneration of your right eye. Under Federal guidelines, due to your age, we are not allowed to treat it because you still have normal vision in your left eye. Have a nice day..."

Imagine participating in the Cananian-invented, black market "healthcare lottery" to win a lower waiting list number for your child's treatment for... whatever.

" and for the corporations, rather than the people." One of the main objectives of any Capitalist Government is to 'protect commerce' and thereby, 'the people'.

Capitalism (Greed) is good! Don't think so? Name a better (proven) system.

Cotton: "I certainly wasn't spoiled by any means." About 4 billion other people living on this planet during your childhood envy you. (Neal will like that stat - being a concensus oriented, Delphi Technique susceptible, kinda guy...)

'Increase the level of anonymity, so you have greater assurance your privacy will be preserved.' ~Ray Tomlinson, the inventor of email at MIT.
Anonymity on the Internet is the American Way!