Sunday, April 12, 2009

WHEWW!! Glad The Weekend's Over

Most people enjoy the weekend...I tend to dread it.

It is the busiest part of my work week, and my kids are wanting to enjoy it. They have a hard time talking me into anything because I stay so worn out. I took my son to Panera for lunch on Saturday and enjoyed spending time with him. It is like sitting with a rocket scientist who is scared to admit that he IS one. He knows things that I can only begin to wonder where he learns them, teaches me things that make me feel smarter and makes me constantly wonder if their was a baby switch at the hospital sixteen years ago.

His only problem is transferring that talent to his school work.

My daughter, who EXHAUSTS me...went to South Carolina with a friend Friday night and came home today to find me curled up in bed watching CNN until I had to go into work at 3:00. Sometimes I just have to do NOTHING. It is the only thing that keeps this tired old body working six days a week. I have been sick for over two weeks...and just like many other moms...refuse to go to the doctor.

I think I may have to break down tomorrow and go. I keep thinking that I am feeling better, but once I get to work and start my shift of constant movement and non stop running, I begin to wheeze and cough and feel like I could just lie down int the dish pit area and take a nap (if you knew how disgusting our dish pit was, you could grasp just how bad I feel).

On top of that I had to train a new server this weekend.

I got lucky on that one though.

Many of the people I train do not listen to me or my suggestions. They are just chomping at the bit to come on the floor and make the money they see me making while I train them. The young girl I was training this weekend (they are ALL young to me)...actually listened to me, asked the right questions, pitched in to help other servers when they needed it and made an effort to learn everything that I taught her.

I had a really good shift. I had maybe only ten tables, but seven out of the ten tables had requested me as a server and were my regulars that are kind enough to ask for my table every time they come into the restaurant. My trainee seemed impressed by this (another good sign that she is paying attention).

My regulars are the people that really make my shift. I know their wants..usually go up to greet their table with their drinks already in my hand and generally know what they want, how they want it and what special instructions may be required of the kitchen staff....maybe I HAVE been doing this too long!

This young girl will be a great asset to our company. She has studied the menu, learned the routine and genuinely wants to do the job the RIGHT way.

On another note...the lizard is finally out of my house(see previous post).

My son called up to me in my bedroom today to say the "Giant" lizard had reappeared in the living room. After moving every piece of furniture and opening the front door to let the little guy see the made it's frantic escape. I could hear my son saying "No...turn left, turn the OTHER way..come on now".

At least our reptile adventure is over. Knowing my household as well as I will be replaced by a new situation or drama tomorrow.

As long as they can hold off til I can get a prescription for an antibiotic...I think I will make it another week...that is the way I roll...WEEK BY WEEK! Right now I am "WEAK" BY WEEK.

I can't wait to feel better. Feeling "poorly" just isn't in my scheme of plans and I almost am looking forward to a doctor visit.

Hoping to be back to my old self tomorrow...COTTON

1 comment:

Frances said...

Kelly: Please take care of yourself. Too many people are depending on you for you to be sick. Besides you need to take care just for you because you are important to a lot of people. Let us know. F