Thursday, September 3, 2020

I'm Only Human After All



Anyone who knows me, even casually, knows what a liberal, progressive and compassionate person I aspire to be on a daily basis. I vote according to these aspirations and strive to be worthy of their true meaning.

With that said...
no, I do not like Donald J Trump, nor did I vote for him. My daughter cried the night he was elected. It was the first time she was eligible to vote in an election, and she was devastated. Let me say, it is not through any brow beating from me. She's always made up her own mind and we have disagreed often many times over the years.

But we both agree on this. Donald Trump is not a good person, in any way, shape or form.
 The things I have heard and seen him say and do are all the proof I need.

Not to mention he actually said as I watched him on network news say (while standing next to him) that he believed Putin's word over the United States' security intelligence.

And then there's the numerous times he has called women pigs, and much worse.

Not to mention the supposed locker room  talk with the reporter about grabbing women by the pussy.
I know for a fact and will swear on my mother's grave that my husband has never ever said something like that in a locker room...or any room.

Don't even get me started on the "Wall."
Remember? The one he was going to have Mexico pay for? You know, the one that isn't built yet.

And who are we to turn anyone away from our borders?

Of course there are stipulations, vetting and rules to be followed and adhered to, but you can't turn away honest people in search of an honest and better life.

That's not what or who we least not in my mindset.
Trust me, I've tried  to not totally detest him.

And then he does something else to make me cringe.
The best thing I can say about our president is he is totally proving to be cringe worthy.

What amazes me most is how he has a total blind faith following, especially from the evangelicals. Do elephants detest the Democratic party so much they will support whoever it is, as long as they aren't a donkey?
News flash: Trump used to be a donkey.

I was almost, almost, kinda sorta halfway supportive of at least hoping he'd end up doing the right thing when COVID-19 hit.

I'm pretty much a doofus, but even I heard about Coronavirus in late December 2019 when it popped up on the news radar.
You know, the fake news.

It took our president until March to even acknowledge there may be a problem of monumental proportions.

It's now the third of September , 2020 and over 187,000 people in this country have died from COVID-19... and our/the/your president still doesn't wear or encourage every single person to don a mask in public and socially distance.

Instead he holds rally's and fundraisers, events in the rose garden with over a thousand in attendance, mostly, almost entirely unmasked.

That is insanity.
This is insanity.

The science is real.
Politicians come in way on down the line behind science in my scheme of survival on this planet.

I can't look the other way anymore or give him anymore slack...and frankly, he doesn't deserve it.

So I was frustrated...and posted this, after seeing it on a friend's (from high school) wall. I thought it was pretty spot on.

Is it really that gross?
Is it really that low of a blow?
After two days of careful consideration, I don't think it is.

I spent eight years seeing and watching totally horrific posts, comments and memes about Barrack Obama and his entire family.
And you can't tell me him being black didn't figure into the hate narrative of more than most of it.

I'd even venture to say if Obama had been white, it would have been Camelot all over again.

So I disappointed some people with my post.
My president disappoints me on a daily basis.

I'm going to call this one even.

The thing is, NOTHING is going to change until we all vote. Every time. And I don't mean in just the presidential election. I mean every election. Start in your own backyard. Start with HOA members, school board members, tax commissioners, sheriffs, mayors, district attorneys...the list goes on and on, and on. And you know where it ultimately all ends up?

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

We are better than this. We are better than our current choice. Joe Biden may not be the end all answer but I firmly believe he is the lesser of the two evils...for now.

It is our own fault, for being so lazy that we don't (each and every one) go vote in each and every election, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. 
It's called Baby Steps...Duh!

Hate me if you won't be the first, but at least I believe in science above politics. Care to venture who has the better chance at survival?

I wear a mask more than I wear a bra, and wouldn't think of living life these days any other way.

Till next time...

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