Friday, September 4, 2020

Happy Birthday Old Man


 Today is my Diddy's birthday.
He would have been turning ninety five.
He made it seventy seven, my mother didn't make it to fifty.
They were the happiest short years of my life.

I find it extremely hard to believe my mother thought we were cute kids...or that she actually paid someone for this picture of us.

I was one lucky little girl, that's for sure. What I lacked in looks department, I more than made up for in the being loved department.

Now it's just us three Sibs.

In other words, two normal siblings, and me.

I've accomplished the least and taken the longest to do it.
That almost sounds like an achievement in itself, so I'll take it as a compliment.

So many millions upon millions, upon millions, have grown up in (or still are) in horrible situations or circumstances.

My father in law just recently passed away. We drove back to Georgia for his funeral.
Outdoor service, no more than fifty allowed, all in masks.
Tim had a very different type of childhood, albeit a great one as well.
Six boys, two girls...that's a lot.

Tim's father was a very quiet man, and a man of few words. We were talking on the drive back to Orlando after the funeral. I was letting Tim talk for a change. We were talking about the service and the remarks made, about what a private and proud man he was.
And he was indeed.

Tim made the comment that his father had never said the words "I love you" to him. He said his Dad always said "I'm proud of you" instead...and Tim said he knew that meant his father loved him.

I (for once) didn't say a single word.

But what did come to mind... was the fact that Tim ends absolutely every single phone call with each of us with "I love you."
He always has.

It's like I've had the best of two worlds. I was shown and told I was loved from the time I can first remember, and now my own three kids are privileged enough to have the same.

Happy Birthday, Old Man.
Thanks for the love.

Once we were all grown, we always called Diddy "Old Man."
 His standard reply, every time we did...

"That's Mister Old Man, to you."

Gone but never forgotten.
My God we miss you.

Till next time...COTTON

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