Sunday, September 20, 2020

Catching Up With The Past


Tim drove up to Georgia this week to have our taxes done. I know, that's a pretty far drive just to file a tax return, but when the IRS has been following and hounding you for ten years, it's best to stick with an accountant who has been there from the jump. We still have to give the IRS our refund for two more years but then should be free and clear...after almost ten years of threats, notifications, emails and them taking our refund year after year after year.

Hindsight is 20/20. We learned that lesson the hard way. Never go into business with someone you don't really trust to begin with.  We ended up stuck with a $28,000 debt from  unpaid payroll taxes. It's water under the bridge now, but was a lesson in humility, determination, faith and love. We are all the wiser for it. We now have zero credit card debt (actually no credit cards at all) and finally beginning to save and invest towards our future...if you consider sixty years old the time to start saving in earnest.

Call us slow won't be wrong.

Better late than never; that's our motto!

It's been an adjustment for me, not working, after forty years of full time employment as a server.

Of course I miss the money, but I actually miss the "waitressing" even more.  I had gotten pretty good at it (once again, slow learner here) and got a kick out of people leaving my table thinking what a great bargain they had gotten by simply having me as a server.

Serving is totally a psychological gig; backed up with (and by) excellent skills and tremendous knowledge. You want people leaving your table feeling happy they dropped well over a hundred bucks on a meal for two.

So there's that adjustment. Also, the reason I'm out of work is frightening as well. I'm sixty years old and a former smoker who managed to quit three years ago. I listen to every doctor, scientist and medical professional on the news and heed their the letter.

Maybe I'm not that slow a learner!

People amaze me listening to the politicians more than the health officials.

My god, it's not political, it's scientific fact.

I think that is when I started to lose my mind recently, especially on social media.

Yes, I'm admitting it.

 People, their ignorance, hatred, and politics in general are driving me (even more) insane. I think I finally have it figured out though and take a tiny bit of comfort in it.

Number one:

We're all drinking the Kool-Aid if we back either presidential candidate, or any candidate for that matter. Pick your poison, choose your crook, elect the lesser of the two evils. They are all in cahoots with somebody, for something, on some level.

True fact.

I don't think there has been an honest politician in the Oval Office since Jimmy Carter, and dare you to prove me wrong.

I highly doubt anyone could.

He reminds me of my own Diddy. A good man, through and through.

Ask anyone who was lucky enough to know him.

We all sure miss him. September eighteenth made it eighteen years.

So I'm going to quit letting people, posts, memes and comments work me into a frenzy.

I wish it could help but it doesn't, so why let it?

It's not like we're going to change either of our minds or another person's.

It's wasted effort.

I'm not completely thrilled with either presidential candidate in this election, but truly (and firmly) believe one opponent is a pretty horrible person who has said and done some really horrible things. With that said (and proven time after time) I'm going with the one who doesn't make me cringe every single time he opens his mouth to speak.

That's just me, but what kind of person would I be, to support someone I had no faith in and didn't trust as far as I could throw him?

Instead I will focus on doing my part to contribute any way I can, for causes I believe in... and feel are vital for us to have a peaceful coexistence.

I will encourage every single person I know or have any interaction with (even from behind a mask) to vote not only on November third, but to vote in absolutely each and every election...every time...for every office.

No exceptions.

From your local HOA election to every city, county, district, state and national election. 

That's how you get real change...and for Pete's sake, it's not even hard to do! You can even do it without having to leave your home...and it's free!

We can't get rid of the big crooks until we get rid of the little crooks, and if we don't get rid of the little crooks, they'll turn into the next big crooks.

Has history taught us nothing?

I'm not going to let things bother me like I have been. It's not a healthy way to live. If what I believe to be true about the current administration is true, it will all come out in the wash...even if we have to wait four more years to be charged, prosecuted, or at the very least held accountable; the slow moving wheels of justice will hopefully prevail in the end.

I'm just worried about in the meantime. I've never seen more mudslinging and viciousness...from both sides of the aisle.

All I can hope for in November is that the lesser of the evils will win...and we can build from there.

Do us all a favor, and VOTE!!!

Till next time,


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