Friday, January 4, 2013

The Last is the Hardest, By Far

This teeny tiny girl, barely weighing four pounds came into my world on August nineteenth in the year 1995. She was due on  October fifth. The amazing thing is right from the jump I knew she was a miracle. I already had two sons. When I found out I was having a girl and her due date was my late momma's birthday I decided right then to name her after my momma. My momma's maiden name was Ann Massey so I picked Massey Ann for my girl's name. She surprised us all by coming WAY too early  when my placenta ruptured in the early morning hours of August. I was rushed to the hospital by  ambulance and delivered Massey in less  than ten minutes via an emergency C- section.

Her face was smaller than my hand and I'm no giant. She was  tiny but she was beautiful.

She didn't say a word for almost two years, but hasn't shut up since so I knew she was mine!

This is hands down my favorite pic of Massey.  The people at  the nursery school didn't think I would like it because she wasn't smiling but  this is PURE Massey! She's a head full of curly hair and a mind determined. She made it from a premature baby to blossom and grow beyond my wildest dreams.

She was a beauty and captured all of our hearts.

 She has a BFFL living right next door and they have grown up together.

She  hit middle school and found her stride. She became involved in  the crazy world of Color Guard and sucked me right into  it as  well.

She learned camaraderie and commitment. She learned what it is to dedicate yourself.  I learned how powerful  love and friendship are. We didn't have money  to pay our mortgage but by  the grace of friends,  Massey spent five seasons with the Guard.

Her Junior year she quit the Guard and focused on her studies. My oldest son sailed through high  school graduating with a 3.8 GPA. My youngest son was lucky to make it out but could rule the world if he applied himself. He's the smart one who refuses to accept his genius abilities but seems to be coming around.

Massey simply wants to conquer the world and I am behind her one hundred percent.

It hit me tonight like a ton of bricks. This little girl, this tiny baby I had almost eighteen years ago is  ready to flap her wings and I'm not ready to let her go.

I've be so concerned about my pup, Ham. I've been so concerned about our IRS debacle. I've been so concerned about bills and starting a new job that I failed to  realize in less than six months, Massey will be gone.

When I wasn't looking or thinking, my girl has grown up. She is hands down my best  friend. She is high maintenance but gives me so much joy that everything else falls  to  the way side.

Go Gettum Massey.  You have already made me so proud. Can't wait to see how far you  go!

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