Thursday, December 13, 2012

Everyone's on the Mend...Finally

It seems I have averted having to use this headstone...once again. It's a good thing I got it cheap at a yard sale. I'm sure it will come in handy one day for me or Tim and even if it doesn't I just think it's a great "Touche' monument!"

 Woke up this morning and took Massey  to the doc in a box here in Newnan. Fifty bucks for an office visit the first time, forty bucks for future visits. Prescriptions are only four bucks. Luckily this was Massey's second trip  so I saved ten bucks right off the bat. She has been complaining about her throat and lately coughing like a day person with a two pack a day habit so I broke down and took her today.

Here's the thing with teen age girls...they tend to complain no matter what so sometimes it's hard as a momma to know when it's legit. I have to work six shifts between today and Sunday night so I knew I'd better take her this morning. She came out to the waiting room with a note to stay out of school for the day and two prescriptions to be filled. The doc calls in  the scripts next  door to Target and from past experience  know it takes well over an hour for them to scrape twenty pills into a bottle.

We had some Chic Fil A cards thanks to my dear friend, Jess and went through  the drive through in the same parking lot and I took the patient home.  We all took a nap then Massey went back to the pharmacy OVER an hour later and still had to wait thirty minutes...I guess they count pills really slow. Thank  goodness it was just a sinus infection but that is something that could have turned into bronchitis so I'm glad I took her.

She took her meds and I went to Lowe's to buy more chicken wire to patch up yet another hole Houdini found at  the back of the yard. In the summer the brush grows up thick and lush and the dogs can't even see the back hog wire fence. In the winter when the tall grass dies they can find a tiny hole and squeeze  through.

Massey now on meds and the mend after a nap took Charlie (with Zach to hold the strong idiot) to the vet in a box at  the mobile clinic that  comes every  Thursday. I thought about taking Massey there first, with all  that curly hair she has I could say she was a really big poodle. (Totally kidding)

I got back to the house first and put up enough chicken wire to keep Colonel Sanders and his thirteen secret spices in  the yard.

The kids got home with Charlie who had his exam, got all his shots and unfortunately tested positive for heart worms just like Ham.

I can't  say enough good things about this mobile clinic and the wonderful vet who  lets people like us be able to afford health care for our pups. Zach said the first  thing he said when he saw him dragging Charlie over for his exam was "How is Ham?" For seventy five bucks Charlie got an exam, all shots updated, Rabies shot, heart worm test and slow kill for the next  year. If life keeps moving in the direction it has been maybe I can afford the quick kill for him in a few months.

Work was crazy tonight. Of course I work for crazy people but the crazy  worked out to my advantage tonight. Last night sucked but tonight Cha Chinged!

Every server I work with except one is at least ten or twenty years younger than me. One of them commented the other day when I picked her up for work because she doesn't have a car..."You're all about some Karma aren't you?"

I told her in fact I was and if she was smart would live her own life the same way.

I was watching the news today while getting ready  for work and heard about the meteor shower tonight. Over one hundred shooting stars every hour? Think how many wishes I could make?

I was driving home from work tonight when I saw the first one. I was on the phone with a friend who had a rough night at work and immediately said "I just saw a shooting star and  made wish  for you!"

I got home and Zach had mopped and cleaned the kitchen...and I didn't even wish for that! I took the pups out back and sat in the hammock. I saw four shooting stars in  less than five minutes. On the first one I wished good things for my marriage. I know Tim and I will be together forever but God knows it ain't easy being married to someone like me. Another shot across the sky and I wished Massey a full recovery.  Not one minute later another shot across and I gave that wish  to Ham. Here came another one and I sent it Zach's way. I came back and started blogging.

I took the pups out again after Tim got home from work and resumed my position in the hammock. The next shooting star went out to Charlie. The next one went out to Boss, my sister's boxer suffering from  the same thing my Rosie did.

The stars kept  shooting and I kept making wishes. I think I made over fifteen and have most of my loved ones and people who have helped us covered.

Here's the thing. Wishing on a shooting star may be bunk but to me watching stars fall from the sky is amazing. It's nature at  it's most beautiful. It's God giving you a sign he is listening.

When my Diddy died from West Nile in 2002 it devastated not only me but my entire family. I took ten days off to be with him as all three of us kids watched him die a quick death... compared to Alzheimer's or cancer.

I went back to work the day after his funeral. It was too soon but financially necessary. I left  work that meteor shower in the forecast but as I drove up the hill from work a falling star darted through the sky. I thought it may be a signal from  Diddy  but just in case thought silently "If it's you send me another sign."

Not one second went by and another beautiful star darted across  the sky.

I live in a small city. I live in a pretty big county and am lucky enough to live in a great nation. The universe we live in is immense, so much so that it boggles the mind. God let me know that Diddy was okay.

Call it Karma, call it living by The Golden Rule.

When  this enormous,  huge universe sends you a signal you need to listen.

I have wished on over thirty stars tonight. That has never happened in my almost  fifty three years.

I don't know if it is God telling me how lucky I am or God telling me how lucky I am to be loved. I'll take either and be grateful for both.

Christmas isn't about buying presents....I haven't bought the first one. Christmas is about being in a hammock and seeing stars shooting through  the sky and giving those wishes to others. Christmas is about having your family healthy and well. Christmas is about love and how grateful you should be to simply be alive and that others love you for who you are.

It's gonna be a great Christmas around here and I hope you all have the same. It's not the amount or price  of presents you's about the  love you give. Love is free and the greatest gift of all.

Not worried one bit...I think our Christmas will be just fine.

I am loved!

Til next  time...COTTON

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