Monday, October 29, 2012

The Bad, The Blind and The Uga-ly

I've had a great response to Ham's blog. I was supposed to be off tomorrow and had plans of setting up his account and creating his Facebook page but picked up a shift for tomorrow while I was at work tonight. Work has been slow so all I can do is pick up extra shifts and pray.

On Sundays we have a brunch  from 11 til 2 and the cooks always save me the left over biscuits to take home for my family.  We have awesome biscuits and the kids and Tim like to nuke them in the mornings for breakfast. When I left work last night one of the cooks told me not to forget my biscuits so I put the dozen or so in a big zip lock baggy and took them home.

Ziggy can sniff out food from a mile away, he ate a garlic bulb out of my potato bin last night, little idiot.  Maybe he knew it was Halloween week and is scared of  Vampires. I brought the biscuits home and left them on TOP of the toaster which is at the back of  the kitchen counter.

Massey left for school first this morning, then Tim for work. I went downstairs to get a glass of milk and it looked like someone had spilled oatmeal all over my living room carpet.  I wondered what it was until I saw the zip lock bag with a hole chewed in it.

 Ziggy had eaten ten huge biscuits for breakfast. He was fast asleep on the sofa, looking quite content...and full.

At least he ate something that wasn't bad for him. I came home from work Thursday night and found my bottle of nail polish remover on  the living room floor with teeth marks so deep  the bottle was leaking. Ziggy wouldn't even lift his head off the floor and I thought this maybe this time his luck had run out. Surely acetone isn't  meant to be ingested dogs OR humans. I dragged him out  the back door and watched him dry heave for a while, gave him a fresh bowl of water and  read my book while he stumbled around the yard. I brought him back in and went to bed knowing there wasn't much else I could do but pray for the little dummy.

He woke up the next  morning rearing to go! (And I thought Tim had a cast iron stomach)

Who would have ever thought Charlie (the bull dog) would be smarter than any other dog in our house? Certainly no one IN our house.

Ham's just content to be fed, let out occasionally and never wanders far from the back door except to poop.

Charlie is as lazy as a worker for the public works department. He's like the guy who stands around the hole with six others just observing while the eighth, who picked the short straw or lost at rock/ paper/ scissors was digging the hole while all the rest commented about how slow the one guy was digging. That would be my Charlie! If he was  human, he would be a wife beater living in a trailer yapping at his wife to shut up so he could snore in peace.

The thing much as I talk and write about my dogs, I have never heard one complaint from any of the three. No belly aching about how foul nail polish was.  No complaining "I can't see ten inches in front of my face" and no complaining "It's tough being ugly and not being able to jump."

I love my kids first and foremost... always will  but my pups are a close second. My kids gripe all the time but my pups seemed thrilled every  time I walk into the room and never back talk me. At least one of them snuggles with me nightly and another one wakes me  staring into my face with a smile and wag of their tail.

A  friend of mine commented on a blog I wrote quite a while back. He said "There is a reason dog is GOD spelled backwards."

Let's see...unconditional love, no questions asked and love even when you fail , forget or drop the ball.

I'm lucky to have total support from not only my pups but The Big Dude.

Til next time...COTTON

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