Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Girl The "CRIP"...???

I was at work today when my kids got out of school.

My son went home on the bus and my daughter rode the bus to the high school for her Winter Guard practice.

I got a call from my daughter soon after I arrived at work.

She gets up before ANYONE in our house to get ready for takes a long time when you are a 13 year old girl that actually CARES about her appearance.

She left the house in her usual three layers...she is VERY modest.

First comes the bra, then the camisole and the tank top over that , then the actual shirt that she is wearing.

She is big on accessories, scarves bracelets and hair bows.

She called me at work once she got to the high school for her winter guard practice. She was called to the office during the Principal's office.

They informed her that her scarf was a gang related symbol...and that it insinuated that she was a gang member .

The scarf indeed looked like something that Yassir Arafat wore around his head, but my daughter had it stylishly draped around her neck and obviously caused enough of an uproar to take her out of her academic classes...have her sent to the Principal's office and then to a counselor's office to be told that she was wearing a gang sign and that if she wore the scarf again she would be in violation of school policy and would be subject to suspension.

At the VERY least , I am TICKED!!

I know the school system wants to keep all kids in line and keep a firm check on the possible trouble makers... but my daughter is NOT Massey Arafat or even Massey Tupac.

She is a little girl who wakes up early EVERY morning just to have time to design her "outfit" of the day and try to look fashionable..(although I don't often agree...I let her be HER).

This school is wasting my child's time in the classroom to pull her out and drill her on her supposed gang affiliations and intents with her stupid scarf.

I am livid to say the least and PISSED to say the most.

I understand completely that middle school kids are getting way out of line and need to not only be monitored but reigned in.

Choose your battles wisely...check your facts, and leave the good kids alone.

I will be headed to the school in the morning ...Have thought about wearing a nice black suit with the "Gang" scarf wound around my neck.

This, in my book is the problem..the worries and concerns are misplaced so often that our kids are missing out on the important things, the academics.

I dread going to the school because I have fought so many of my kid's battles (all totally worthy and just).

At least after this year my youngest will be out of their obviously crooked and corrupt system.


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