Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Three Stooges

Here is a glimpseinside our world of pups! We love our stooges and this may give some insight as to why. When I came home from work today my husband (who had another interview today!) was out back playing with our two boxers and the bulldog. The male boxer can jump over six feet high, the bulldog is lucky to get his hefty self off the ground and the female boxer just barks furiously and lets the two males know who is really in charge. They all three get along fine since finally learning the pecking order...Rosie is DEFINITELY the alpha bitch (small pun intended) Ham can whip the tar out of Charlie (the bulldog) without trying and Charlie has finally learned not to provoke Ham. Both the males leave Rosie alone and kow tow to her every whim. She eats first, gets the best spot on the sofa and rules her kingdom with a mighty and furry paw.

When I sit and type on the computer they all three lay in the floor surrounding me on three sides. My husband said last night passing through the room while I was blogging that they all three are just waiting for me to get up and do something. He's right. I can go up and down the steps in the house thirty times and they will all tromp up and back down with me every time. If I go the restroom and shut the door, when I open it they are all three waiting right outside it for me.

When my daughter came home from color guard practice and I showed her the video, she was highly amused until Rosie started humping on Charlie. She made the comment "EWW...totally repulsive" and walked out of the room. That made me and my husband laugh even more at the video.

You know what's funnier? Charlie just lets Rosie...he knows he's low man on the totem pole and just seems happy that she acknowledges him in any way!

My dogs bring me great happiness...they love me totally and unconditionally. They never gripe or complain about the way their life is going and are all three standing RIGHT by the kitchen door waiting for me before I ever even get out of my car in the garage when I come home. My husband says they hear me pull in before he does...actually it's them that let all the family know I am home.

As I am typing this, all three have gathered once again around my feet. Maybe they all know I am writing about them!

DOGS...this woman's best friend (of the four legged variety.)

I think I'll go give each of them a dog biscuit now!!

Til next time, "WOOF WOOF" Cotton

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