Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Old People

Suddenly, somehow out of nowhere, I am one.

So is Tim.

When people mention something from thirty years ago, I tend to think they mean the seventies, when I was barely a teen.

They don't.

They mean around the time when our oldest son was born, who is now almost in his mid thirties.

Talk about a wake up call and slap in the wrinkled old face.

When we were recently purchasing our home here, the entire process with our lender was borderline comical...unless you worked in the lenders' office. 
Then it was just a hoot, I'm sure.

Tim and I aren't all that behind the times, and are actually two pretty cool old peeps. 
But ask us to do something new or different on a computer, and it's a struggle.

Lucky for us our youngest still lives at home and is a millennial mastermind in this new world of  "Everything World Wide Web(ish)."

The problem is, she doesn't mind helping, but prefers to do it for us rather than teach us how.

Case in point:

Tim's bank account got hacked with several fraudulent charges the other day. He needed a copy of his long form birth certificate and tried using a website which ended up being bogus. Unfortunately they got enough info before he cancelled the transaction to access his account. It took him over an hour on the phone with our credit union and with Wells Fargo to get everything straightened out.  Cards cancelled,  new cards issued and fraudulent charges removed.

I was cooking dinner as he sat at the kitchen table talking with the credit union. He finally thanked the person for all of their help, once everything was resolved and replied "You have a good day as well."

Once Tim hung up, I didn't even turn around... just said "You know what that guy at the bank just said to the employee sitting next to him, don't you?"  

"Old people...sheesh!"

Tim said "That's probably exactly what he said."

At least we know, acknowledge and own our weakness.

I care nothing about learning any more about the cyber world than I need . I simply want to be able and survive in it.

I'm a pen on paper kind of gal. I like snail mail. I kinda miss having a land line. Texting is okay (after a rocky start in the nineties) but Instagram, and all those other silly sites like Snapchat simply don't interest me and couldn't care less how they work or how to use them.

Maybe if I took a good selfie it'd be a different story, but I don't, so it ain't.

I read an article about Elton John. He doesn't own a cell phone.
Never has.
That's my kind of guy.

Of course he pays others to do it for him, but still...good for him!

If I had never raised kids, I could totally see me without a cell phone until I needed a Jitterbug for survival in the old folks home in case my 'Rascal/Hoveround' ran out of juice while on a jaunt around the grounds...searching for a way out.

I'm content to simply bumble my way through this whole explosion of technology, which in my opinion, is highly over rated.

For me, a smile and tight hug beat an emoji and GIF any day of the week, any way you look at (or feel) it.

At least I'm still swinging ...when most people are just clicking.

Change is good. As long as you remember where that change came from.

Til next time, 


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