Sunday, March 10, 2019

Good Will Always Pays it Forward

They built a brand spanking new Goodwill, here in our part of OTown.

It is my new favorite place to wander through, at least once a week.

It's the Nordstrom of Thrift Stores with Yard Sale prices.

I don't do the clothes so much anymore, but always have my eye out.

My latest GoTo has been furniture, frames or room/wall decor.

Number one, it is hands down the friendliest staff of co workers... ever.
Bonus points the customers are all super courteous as well.

It is clean , organized, great place to not only find bargains but treasures as well...while also helping others who need a hand up.
I donate there and I shop there.

Talk about a win/win?

 The actual definition of Good-Will is:
A kind or friendly attitude. Benevolence (an inclination to perform generous acts)

Some of my greatest finds have been at Goodwill...
 and not only wonderful treasures found but even more delightful acquaintances made.

Everyone always has a different story.
 Sometimes even some of them have a similiar story in common.

Why the concept and premise of Goodwill, Salvation Army and Red Cross hasn't spread like wildfire is beyond comprehension to me.
That these types of organizations are constantly needing, and having to ask for assistance is ridiculous
(and embarrassing to me) as an American.

I'm by far not the sharpest tool in the shed, but even "I" get it!

Can't we (and shouldn't we) help each other along the journey?

The more you give, the more you get.
(been there, done that)

Don't fixate on hate, concentrate... and compromise on peaceful coexistence.

From my first adulting experience
which I horribly stumbled and bumbled my way through, I luckily learned this lesson, later than sooner...but at least I lived to learn it.

They used to make fun of me for getting older
at my birthday parties.
(my fortieth and fiftieth)
  I wish I'd saved all their gag gifts...
because I am old now!

At least I am still beating the alternative, for now.

We should all try and beat it together,
because we all are one!

We're all we got.



Make one random person smile, at least twice a day.
Then eventually bump it up to every chance you get.

What goes around comes around.


Just like my momma often quoted "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar."

One of the best lessons she ever taught me.

Love someone.

Til next time, COTTON

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