Thursday, November 30, 2017

2017... Almost A Done Deal

It's taken me a year but finally becoming accustomed to living somewhere other than Georgia.

I'll have to say it's nice living thirty minutes from the beach and can still go there to enjoy a warm and sunny day, even in December.

It boggles my mind (not a hard thing to do) that this year will be over in less than thirty three days.

Last year we threw our crap into a moving van and moved to another state to start over.

And we did.

I found a new job and a new work family. They have been incredibly wonderful to me and only took me seven months to get the job down.

The rental house is a tight fit and over half our belongings are still in storage here in Orlando with more still in our old house back in Georgia.

In four months we'll be moving one last time...into a home of our own and can hardly wait to spread out a bit. I've missed my yard work and our dogs have missed their big yard. The still go to the back of the yard to poop but for now is only about thirty feet away.

Good thing two of them are thirteen...that's ninety one in dog years. They probably appreciate not having to go far to take a dump.

Ziggy is only five and still has plenty of pep left in his step. He needs a bigger yard to run and gallivant.

In four more months he'll have one...and a pool to swim in as well.

The thing I'm most probably grateful for is that my family and friends back home in Georgia didn't forget about or write me off when we moved here. I was so desperately lonely when we first moved here. Of course I write to about thirty or forty people back home on a regular basis but is simply because I enjoy writing so much, especially in longhand.

I've received texts, emails, voicemail, cards and phone calls on a weekly basis. The people I left behind haven't left my life and makes me even more grateful... for them all to still think of and stay in contact with me.

The same goes for Massey. She has friends who visit her here on a regular basis. Our spare bedroom in our tiny temp rental has been put to good use.

She has a friend here staying with us now. Short three day stay but three days speak volumes when you've moved from your home of twenty one years.

I dropped my phone a while back...oops, my bad.


I have a terrible crack across the screen which drives me nuts. This young friend of Massey's bought me a new screen protector today and put it on my phone.

It's like the crack isn't even there anymore!

Then I come home from work tonight. The girls were gone to dinner. I walked into my bedroom to blog and there sat a new 'silent' keyboard and new wireless mouse. Another gift.

I'm thinking Tim will benefit more from the silent keyboard but is a win/win for us both.

It's a wonderful feeling to be loved...the past year has proven that to be especially true.

I've had family members come stay for a visit, friends from high school, former co workers and former managers as well. Massey has had about five or six different friends come stay for a visit

So as I approach leaving 2017 and charging ahead into 2018,  realize even more how truly lucky I am.

Love comes at me from many directions. From up above, from beside me, from around me and from far away.

As this world continues to spin and more often than not spit out hate and ignorance, I've been lucky enough to receive nothing but love, acceptance and remembrance of friendships past.

All said and done, is about what you have in your heart.
There are two choices in life.
You choose to be a lover or a hater.
You choose to be a good person or a bad person.

Life is an experience.

Webster's defines Experience as:

"Active participation in events or activities, leading to the accumulation of knowledge and skill."

I may not be smarter but am certainly wiser for my experiences.

Hug someone.

Call someone.

Text someone.

Email someone.

Write someone.

Open a door for someone. 

Let someone else go first in line or merge ahead of you in their car.

If someone looks like they really need a hug, they most probably do.

I'm not a fan of our President...but at least capitalized 'President'. We (not me) elected him. I support him as our leader but often laugh at some (a lot) of his comments and views on things.

I'm still baffled as to how we could elect him after his "Grab them by their pu*sy" comment.

But he was elected, so as an American I hope for the best...for all of us and the world.

Sometimes you simply have to move along in life...

But that comment he made will always bother me.

I'm a woman.

I've worked in the restaurant industry for almost forty years as a server and witnessed it happen time and time and time again.

Harass is usually always two words in my line of work.

Lucky for me, am too old for any of them to want to hit on.

I'm the one they rely on instead.

I consider it a badge of honor.

Hold on to  your values...and hold them tight.

Been there, done that. That's why and how I've survived.

I'm old, I'm skinny and as a flat stick but an excellent worker and have always proved myself to be just that.

I rule my world...and every person, male or female should rule their own.

Simply said, be a good person.

Just try grabbing MY p*ssy and you'd be slapped like a jack hammer hit you upside your stupid effing head. I may be scrawny but am mighty strong....just saying.

My life has turned out great and have been lucky so far but can't, for the life of me forget about all the women who have experienced or were treated as trashy throw away one hit wonders or simply just another notch on the headboard, without any of those men ever thinking or worrying about being exposed for the predators they are.

Dudes... come on!!!

As the year comes to a close in less than thirty three days, I'm kinda feeling like

I know many people don't necessarily agree with my views and why I started my own blog, but certainly been catharsis for my own well being and soul.

If you find something... anything in life which makes you feel better about yourself as a person, do it if possible.

It's always feels good to feel better than worse about yourself, especially in these troubling and tumultuous times.

A good way to start is simply keeping a journal.

All that requires is a pad and a pen or even a pencil.

You'd be amazed what you can discover about yourself when you write down things, dreams, feelings or even random happenings or observations. I have journals going back to when I was nine years old. I'm now almost fifty eight.

The journals I keep and even my blog, are the true and telling story of my life, my soul and my existence.

It will always be a personal best seller to and for me.

I urge you to begin and tell your own story in 2018.

Till next time...COTTON

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