Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Christmas Isn't About Getting...It's About Giving

If you want to get all factual about it...

It's simply been twisted over the centuries for the masses...and sadly as of late, the retailers.

I remember how devastated I was to learn there wasn't a real Santa Claus. Sadly enough, was also when I was about ten or eleven years old. #slowlearner

Our parents did a great job fooling us. We never saw empty packing boxes or signs that anyone other than Santa had delivered all those 'oh so wanted' gifts to us. He also ate the cookies we left for him and drank that glass of milk too.

Really, Kelly?!

Could one man actually stop at, deliver gifts and eat cookies and drink glasses of milk at every single house in a world, filled with billions of people?

Not to mention... being delivered from a sleigh which he flew through the air, driven by a team of reindeer and the front one had a red nose to light their way.


I listened to each and every thing my parents taught or told me, growing up as a tween.

                                      No wonder I remained a virgin until I was twenty.

Last year I had a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit. Moving here was a harder transisition than I thought it would be.We didn't even get a tree. I just put lights on the plant in my living room.

Back in Georgia, we went all out...every year. Huge tree, pulled out all the decorations and usually kept them all up longer than we should have.

I can't remember one single year we didn't have a tree. Even when we were broke, a dear friend and co worker of mine simply bought us a tree and dropped it on our front porch. The kids were younger then and didn't even know who he was. Zach simply said "A bald headed man brought us a Christmas tree."

Last year we had enough money to have a tree, I just didn't feel in the mood.

It's hard to feel like Christmas when is eighty five degrees outside and you're laying on Cocoa Beach with your daughter the day before Christmas Eve getting a sun burn.

This year is a whole new ball game. We have our house back in Georgia paid off, free and clear. I have a job I really love and so does my husband.

Us old two kids are making an amazing comeback...which is ridiculously hard to do in your late fifties, in this new age of technology.

When we moved here last year, I sank into depression...pretty much off the bat. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to overcome, besides my own parents'  quick 'exit stage left' from life.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Losses should make you determined to show those ones who raised you right, they did okay and you were listening.

Life is an extremely fragile gift and more often than not underestimated, undervalued and put on the back burner of our minds... thinking life is simple when it's not.

You live and you die.

How you live your own life determines what your life will, and can be.

I've started over in Orlando. I lived in Georgia for over half a century. I still miss it...every single day.

If you live your life always look behind instead of looking forward, you'll never find your future.

Who knows how much time I have left on this earth?

That would be none of us.

Make the most of your moment. Make the most of your life. Make your mark in this world and help others make their own way as well. We all get by with a little help.

This Christmas, this time of year, this reason for the season...

Whatever you believe about, or in... whatever political views you have or may not have...know they're are people who can, and want to help.

I am one of them and pretty sure are literally millions of  others as well.

One last thought.

Not afraid, simply feeling grateful.

I'll stand by you.

Each and every time.

You get what you give.

If you don't give something to this world we all live in, how can you expect to get something back?

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