Monday, March 23, 2015

Finally Home Tonight But Off Tomorrow Which Will Be Today In Twenty Minutes And Tomorrow By The Time This Posts

These past few months have been a real blessing and curse. I took this selfie today and think I look pretty good considering all that has happened these past six months. You know what, I'm gonna send this one to Tim.  That'll  keep him warm at night a thousand miles away in Texas.

I was walking out at work tonight after a nine hour shift. One of the managers smiled, said goodnight then added "Kelly Cotton, you're one strong woman".

It's little things like that which can immediately spin your entire mind set one hundred eighty degrees the second spoken.

I needed that.

I also needed to remember and thank him for the literally two seconds long "Free Shrink Season."

If I didn't have (for some still unknown reason) this greatest job I've also literally ever had would have (literally not) sunk like the Titanic.

Too mentally and physically exhausted to even begin to blog about it now but just wanted to write the words simply to reassure not only myself but others, and be able to go back anytime I want and read the following five words I write next.

It will really be okay.

Stay tuned to hear all about it.

Right now I have a date with my pillow and "Everybody loves Raymond".

Til tomorrow,  COTTON

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