Friday, July 1, 2011

All Chicks Back in the Hen House

Just got home from work. Haven't had a day off for the past ten days and have two more days til I get one but came home and all the chicks are back in my hen house...better known as the poor house, but a happy one!

Massey got home after I left for my dinner shift but of course we text back and forth when I could sneak off to the rest room at work. It wasn't hard to do, it was a slow night at work.
Fourth of July weekend and gas prices  dramatically down...not a good combination for a server in an upscale restaurant.

The entrance ramp to the highway leading out of town was  a traffic jam and gas stations were packed when I headed back for my dinner shift. Kroger has cheap gas prices but you can get shot if you zoom in front of someone waiting for the next available pump or at the least get screamed at and given the finger. I've seen the latter happen and often worried about the first.

Zach has tested me of late and like the good mom I am tested him right back ! He learned a valuable lesson and so did I.

I can't speak for Zach but the lesson I learned is,  your kids are your kids and you love them. You love when they make you proud and seem to love them even more when they royally (THIS love tends to make your heart physically ache) screw up.

Zach seems happier with his life which  makes it a whole lot easier for me  NOT to  want to smack him on the back of the head every time I see him. He's taken his smacks on his own and they seem to have worked.

My motto is:

"Don't even THINK life is tough when you are just nineteen or you will most surely be devastated by the reality of being an adult AND a  parent."

My kids are safe and sound in the house as I type...the adopted one will be home from work in a bit and the doors will be locked. Kid's can drive you crazy but can also give you the drive to succeed as a  parent.

They haven't killed me yet... they are  giving it a good shot but I think if I get the jump on them I can take them. I'm skinny but I'm scrappy as heck!

Til next time "Momma Hen"

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