Sunday, January 9, 2011

BLEE ZARD in Jaw Ja !!

After days of anticipation and the shelves of the grocery store being raped of their staples it has finally begun.


It doesn't take much to make us Southerner's flat out panic.

I went to the grocery store last night after work and every carton of milk... whole, skim, 2% and even soy was gone.

There was a huge sign on each door like crime scene tape, reading "Due to the inclement weather we are out of milk. We expect another delivery this afternoon".

It should have read "Due to the fact that day after tomorrow we MAY have inclement weather people have freaked out two days in advance and have started to stockpile milk".

I thought that since everyone had plenty of time to prepare it would never happen...but it seems to have arrived.

I worked a lunch shift and went back at 5:00 to an empty restaurant. Us Suthner's scare easy. The owners of my store are from New York and were ticked that the media scared everyone into staying home before even the first flake fell.

In Georgia, you only have to MENTION the word snow and we panic. Throw SLEET into it and the roads are barren and all the bread , candles and milk are wiped off the store shelves.

I'll admit I sent Tim and Massey out this morning before I left for work to buy candles and batteries.

How many D cell batteries does it take to get a computer running when the power goes out?

How big of an antennae will I need on my roof to still get cable when the signal goes out?

How can I Facebook on my phone?

Can I blog on my phone?

I only recently learned to use "word" on my phone. I'm not sure if I am capable of using the internet option.

Thank God I have teen agers!

When I was 12 years old we had an ice storm. The power was out for almost a week and my family slept in the living room in front of our fake gas logs wishing they actually put out heat.

Having no TV wasn't that big a deal. There were only four channels. 2, 5, 11 and good ole Ted Turner's channel 17.

There were no computers...only the Atari hooked up to the black and white TV set in the den that had a set of rabbit ears on top with aluminum foil wrapped around each antennae for maximum reception (NOT).

So we couldn't watch "Let's Go to the Races" with Freddie Miller or wrastlin' on Channel big loss there.

We almost froze to death outside playing every day and almost froze to death in front of our fake logs every night.

Simpler times...I miss them.

Now I sit at a computer typing as the sleet and snow fall.

My cell phone is by my side so I can keep in touch with Zach who is God knows where with God knows who and can text Massey who is WAY upstairs on the third floor in her bedroom on her laptop and listening to her ipod.

Dang..I'm one of The Jetson's !!

I grew up as a Flintstone and didn't mind it one bit, but now that I have moved on to The Jetson reality you couldn't pay me to go back to making my car go with my feet. I don't care how good that little Woolly Mammoth Wilma used to push around the cave could suck up dog hair.

I live in the Dyson age now (not that I have a Dyson...but I COULD one day) and I have been spoiled with Internet , cable and cell phones.

Hoping that we don't have another ice storm. Snow storm I can storm, not so much.

Hunker down Suthner's...."It's HERE".

Til next time...loving the smell of a fire in the fireplace. COTTON

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