Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hope You Missed Me!!

Busy, busy, busy I have been! It is graduation time and I have many nieces and nephews. I attended one of my favorite niece's graduation last night...or shall I call it a "GRAD GEE ATION". To begin with, when we got watch a class of over 400 graduate....It began with hearing all kind of people on their cell phone..and hearing their conversations and comments over and over again. "I am in McDonough" my nephew's "Grad U ATION". YEAH.... "I'm Here... IN Mc Donough". He still kept talking..still kept screaming into his his cell phone as the Valedictorian gave the speech and as long as we could stand the whistles from the air horns that were blown every second... If my child was giving a speech, if my child was a speaker...I would be pretty ticked off. I turned to look at this older gentleman a couple of times, but he was so engrossed in his "loud"conversation that he didn't even notice me. He continued through the entire speech...speaking almost as loudly as the speaker.

People kill me with their horrible manners and lack of respect. Parents were letting their kids run all over the place. Granted, we WERE in a football stadium...but we were at a graduation...not a game!

Then there were the people that hooted and hollered at the time their student's name was called...and continued to whoop it up through the next two names that were called...drowning out any applause those two students may have had. It embarrassed me to think that these were adults acting this way.

I hope these graduates turn out to be better adults than the ones we were surrounded by. If they don't....God help us!!

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