Sunday, May 11, 2008

Twenty Minutes Left to Post

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!! Just got home from work (Talk about a fun night).Just wanted to tell all Mothers out her in the "CYBER" world that not only do I tremendously enjoy being a mother, but respect each and every other mother out there. It can be a tough demanding job...but one filled with so many rewards and fond memories that I would have my life be no other way. My kids and husband were GREAT to me today. My daughter made me breakfast in bed, my oldest son gave me a dozen roses, my husband gave me two more books to read and a sweet card..AND he even ironed my shirt for work. My middle son simply said "I love you, MOM". And you know what? That is all I want from my be loved. They are my reason for being, my reason to carry on and my inspiration on a daily basis. They can drive me crazy, but in another instant fill my heart with joy. I am proud so much more than simple words can say about my kids, and hope that they remember me fondly for the rest of their days.

Although I realize that they will never fully comprehend my love for them until they have children of their own...I hope that I have raised them to believe in them selves and to be the BEST person they can possibly be on this earth. THAT will be the greatest gift any of them can give me...and the greatest gift that I could have ever given to another realize that they actually HAVE been listening to me for the past twenty two years.

I have terrific kids, a husband that I love as much as I love to make fun of...and a life that is TRULY, TRULY blessed.

To my mom up in Heaven, (AND I KNOW THAT IS WHERE SHE IS) ...Thanks for raising me to be the person and mother that I am today...and for being my inspiration every single step of the way. Without a MOM like you, I wouldn't be the MOM I am!!!

Enjoy every moment with your children...they flash by in the wink of an eye...and can NEVER be replaced. I had my "Day in The SUN'" and enjoyed every moment of being with my family. I hope that I have years and years yet to come with you...and know that I will love you even more EVERY step of the way. Until next time...with a FULL heart...COTTON

1 comment:

Joannah said...

Happy Mommas Day Kel. I Love you Too.