Thursday, March 13, 2008

Our Adoring Public

In the last week, we have had three different people write to our corporate office about their "appalling" experience at our restaurant. These complaints are not taken lightly AT ALL, by our superiors, and "Big Brother" is constantly breathing down our necks. I read all three of the letters, and I for one APPALLED by their petty comments, gripes and lack of discretion in writing a letter that may well just get someone fired. One girl that I work with had to be written up, a note put in her file, and generally made to feel like crap, just because this woman felt the server was giving too much attention to the table next to her, and not enough was focused on her and her companions. Do these people ( who are quite obviously looking for a free meal or discounts) realize that they are putting another person's job "at risk"? The second letter was about one of our servers... a Morehouse football player, who is one of the most impressive, nicest, well brought up young men that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. They had to "ask" for bread, because "he" didn't bring it to them... He would just "walk" by the table, not stopping to chat.. The high chair didn't fit properly at the booth they were seated at (there was a step of about 3 inches at the booth they were seated at.) This server is probably one of the most congenial, sincere and focused young men I have ever met. But for the letter they had written to our home office; he is reprimanded, and told that we need to "step it up a notch." YOU KNOW WHAT? The public needs to step it up a notch. If it is a legitimate complaint, or a truly horrible experience; a server for 30 years can see the reason for contacting a corporate office. But to put someones job in jeopardy, and have them subjected to consequences and punishment, just because they have the unfortunate experience of waiting on a total idiot, who is only looking for a hand out, or a pat on the back for bringing this "horrible" episode to the attention of OUR superiors....completely and TOTALLY amazes me. I have been a server for 30 years. You know how many times I have EVER written about an experience in a restaurant ( and I deem myself to be a pretty good judge of good service and product in the restaurant industry) ONCE... and it was a legitimate complaint that was totally ignored and never responded to. So you know what? I will NEVER go back to that restaurant again. But these people will be back...with their "FREE" dinner coupons, discounts and vouchers... and we will be made to KOW-TOW to their whims, and demands, and hope that we get them when they are in a good mood. They didn't know their server; but I do, and I am totally convinced that I know what kind of person, server and employee they are, and that the facts are absolutely skewed and biased. It is an extremely "SNOOTY" town that we work in.... actually a citizen called City Hall to complain that our lights in the back of the restaurant were "TOO" bright. Yeah; you don't want those security lights too bright by the back door that we take out the trash through... which is five feet away from an office full of cash. I feel so compelled to write the home office myself to give the "real" version of the truth. These people are not dissatisfied customers... they are "GRIFTERS" at best... and we are only re- enforcing their bad behavior by giving them free meals to our restaurant, thus giving them another chance to not only get some more free "stuff" , but another opportunity to possibly make someone lose their job, their livelihood and source of income and support. GET A GRIP!!! Was it REALLY the biggest thing that ever happened to you? I suspect not; and you should be ashamed of actions, punishments and recourse that your petty comments have put in to motion. It may seem a trivial job to you... BUT "YOU COME TRY TO DO IT." ... And I hope that I am sitting at YOUR table, because I would absolutely love to give you a big, fat dose of your own medicine... and see what happens when you O.D. on the verbal abuse that we take on a daily basis. If it is truly that bad at our store... why would you WANT to come back?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GET"EM GIRL!!! Tell it like it is. I love to read your blogs. Your a great writer and waitress. Keep up the good work and tell the family "HELLO" Trina