Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Time To Move On


 This was captioned "I'm tired of politics so here's a picture of an English bulldog looking out a cat door."

I could not agree more.

I was absolutely devastated  after the election four years ago, but arguing isn't going to change anything.

Get over it. Move along.
We got bigger fish to fry.

We need to get back to the time when political viewpoints were only expressed in the privacy of your own voting booth.

Voting booth...that's old-school terminology.

This is how old I am.

This is from a Valentine's Day dance during high school, my senior year...1978.
I'm dancing with my Diddy, who was a chaperone at the dance.
My Momma had dropped dead suddenly while out shopping for school clothes with me and my sister just six months before this picture was taken.

Talk about a hard pill to swallow...for all of us.
It changed my perspective on life. It still does.

It was also the year I turned old enough to vote.

And I've never missed an election since.

When we were growing up, no one talked about politics or religion.
And I mean nobody.

Not at church (and we were there several times a week) not at a high school football game, not on vacation with several other families twice a year and not even at a family Christmas get together with all the aunts, uncles and cousins.

We (sibs) would beg our parents to tell us who they voted for.
They never would.

There's a reason why the voting booth had a curtain.
Eventually, with them both leading by example, we figured it out for ourselves anyway.

When I first voted, there was still a curtain to pull shut behind you.

This photo was taken just years before I was born, and the kind of booth where my parents voted.

We need to all draw the proverbial voting curtain shut again.

I don't want or need to hear how you feel about politics. Your vote should say it all.

The problem is not every one is exercising that privilege, every  single time.
If they did, we'd have the majority rule... every election.
Instead some (a lot) decide to be lazy and simply blab out opinions instead of voting them. Then they relentlessly bitch about what is wrong with this country, when in fact, they are what is wrong.
The others just need to give it a rest.
Move on, you've got four more years to stew about it.

 The result is what we are witnessing this very instant in time, and quite frankly, I'm tired of it...and tired of them, the non voting gripers.
Sometimes the voting gripers are just as bad.
On top of that, people seem to just want a fight. They want to tell you why you are wrong and they are right.

Number one, it's politics, so choose your poison wisely.

Number two, they are all crooks, just of varying degrees.

Number three, that makes us all stooges until we vote them out.

I have lost more than a couple of  social media "friends" this election season. It's never happened before, and like I said, I've been voting since 1978.

In hindsight, I've really never agreed with them politically in the first place. 

Hence the voting curtain needs to be pulled shut again.

 What I really got tired of was people acting like I was some kind of zombie dumb ass for not agreeing with they spat back at me like I was voting for Doctor Evil.

I'm tired of  defending myself, and I shouldn't have to. Neither should anyone else.
I'm not shoving my opinions into anyone's face or space, so don't do it to me. And by the way, I would certainly never consider putting up a banner in my yard touting "No more bullshit" as a campaign slogan.

Just we really have to go redneck?

Here is what we desperately need...

Let that sink in for a good long minute...because it needs to.

I'm moving on.
The rest of the country should as well.
It's done deal...for now.

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