Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Days Are long But Years Are Short



Seems like this picture was taken just a couple of years ago instead of a couple of decades ago.

That's how quickly they grow up.
The days are long but the years are short.

Even this picture is at least six years old. It seems like it was last week...

when in actuality, this was last week.

We spent a week in The Keys with two of our three kids and both grand kids.

Maybe I should photoshop Zachary into it.

We sure miss our Lost Boy.
Also, it'd be just like him to look the other way.

I think I've weathered the motherhood storm pretty well, considering the headstrong kids we raised.

I didn't raise no quitters.
They all three drove me nuts, luckily at three different times.
Thank God for small blessings.

So with what small amount of sanity I still have remaining, I'm meandering down the path of Life, in my sixties, trying to do the best I can...on each and every given day.

I don't always get it right...but feel more than extremely lucky, as soon as I wake up in the morning and realize I've been given another chance to try.

I'm so glad the election is over and done with. The only thing left is the mudslinging, and trust me, it's gettin' slung!

Here's the thing about any presidential election.
One side is going to be really unhappy, and bitter...and usually lasts the entire four years.
That's how broken our political system is.

That was me four years ago, and it was a hard pill to swallow, but I did.
The difference for me is that it almost immediately became a moral issue, not a political one.
I know all politicians are crooks; there are just varying degrees of "crookosity" and Trump seemed to have a boatload of it.
 When he mocked a special needs reporter, I was appalled. When I heard him say he could grab women by the pussy if he wanted to, I was livid.
I think that was the final straw, but unfortunately he seemed to have an endless amount of straws.

All the while, his followers supported and adored him...no matter what.
After George Floyd, and countless others died (totally) unnecessarily.
Even after over 230,000 Americans died from COVID-19....with the numbers rising every day.

"But the country is doing great!!"

No, big business/ pharma and deep pockets are doing great. They always have and always will. Yet we bail them out every single time. We are their enablers'.

People are disgusted we spend so much money on helping and assisting the millions and millions who simply can't survive without a hand up.

Are there frauds and leeches sucking the government assistance teat dry?
Of course there are. There always have been and always will be.
But that doesn't mean we stop a program of assistance. It means we need more checks and balances.
That's doable...and should absolutely be done.

You can talk about immigration issues all day long...but here's the thing:

This country was founded by adventurous peeps who curiously crossed the pond in a huge wooden boat, then 'discovered' and not only pillaged but claimed the Native Americans' homeland as their own...when it totally wasn't.

Who are we to try and stop other people from coming here in search of a better life?
It's exactly what we did.

Pro Life?
Don't get me started.

 No one is for abortion. 
Why would you be?

But as a female, with a uterus... there will never be anyone, male or female, who should be able to tell me what I can or cannot do with my own body. 

My choice. My decision to live with.

 A woman can (on average) bring to term one human being every nine months. That's basically once a year.

A male can (and often does) create a human being every single time he has unprotected sex with a female.

 If you don't find these odds a pretty messed up issue, that's really sad, and misguided.

That's where I draw the line.

Life's always been a Man's game. Maybe they need to take some responsibility too, and respect us for being  pretty awesome...because we are.

Maybe we all need to learn how to respect each other.

Till next time...COTTON

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