Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Everybody Vote


That's all it takes.
Pure and simple.

With all the negativity and mudslinging, it's been a long, long election campaign.
That's saying a lot considering I was born in 1960.

The single positive thing I can say, is that it finally got people off their lazy butts and into a polling booth. 
That's been our biggest problem with politics for quite some time.
We're letting them run the show.
But it's our show, not theirs.

I've gotten so sick of people ramming their own political views down my cyber throat.
I have enough of my own thoughts and opinions to swallow, I don't need theirs.

It's the first time I've ever un friended people because of politics, and I've been on Faceplace since January of 2009.
It's turned into Hatebook and I log on less and less, every single day.

It's not so much how they tout their candidate as it is how they totally disparage any and everyone else...
including you.

 My parents never discussed politics, with us, or anyone else.

I think we'd all get along a heck of a lot better if we still adhered to this practice.

I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring, but don't think it's going to be over any time soon.

(big sigh)

Whatever happens we should all just be grateful that peeps are voting again.
If we continue to vote every single election (no matter how small or seemingly unimportant) things will begin to change, in our favor.
All our favor.

It's such a simple concept, that it boggles my mind every single person doesn't understand this, and exercise their right to be heard, each and every election.

Start by voting out that HOA president who gets on your and everyone else's nerve. Then move on up to the local school board and county commissioners. If they don't do a good job, they need to go... not keep going.

That's how they get us. We get lazy and tend to overlook smaller problems, which left unchecked will turn into much larger problems as they sleaze their way up the chain of command, on our dime.

If an idiot like me can figure this out...what's the holdup?

If you want to get this country back on track, we've gotta show up...each and every time there is an election.

No exceptions.
Exceptions lead to deceptions in politics.
We're already dealing with crooked people who all have their own agenda and couldn't care less about the little guy...which is most of us. Why would you want to allow someone who doesn't have your best interests in mind, make decisions for (and about) you and your loved ones?
It doesn't (and never will) make sense.

So quit acting like your candidate is a prophet, because they are not.
They're more likely a puppet.
Sad but true.

On the bright side, if we take back the only control they can't take away from us...the power of our vote, we can begin to change things, slowly but absolutely surely.
One swamp at a time.

So stop pushing your opinions in my face like a battering ram. Allow me drink my own poison (as you will also do) and hope we pick the flavor which can (will) do the least amount of damage.

Time will tell.
I don't need you to try and tell me.
Every. Time.

I have faith in this country. I have faith that we can all work together for the greater good of this nation, if each and every one of us does our part to participate in the electoral process (even) with all its many flaws.

My Momma didn't raise no quitter.

If you're not in it for the long haul, get out of my way and shut your trap.
Don't vote?
Don't bitch.

I am far from perfect.
 We all are.
Remember that next time you blow up at someone for their opinion. You can disagree without being a dick about it. (in my opinion)

Negativity is rampart in our nation.
And the rockets red glare... is bursting our air.
Let's give proof through the night, that we can all still be there.

Let's make the best of it.
Don't point a finger, extend your hand.

Till next time,


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