Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Change Starts Within


There is nothing I can do to change another person's opinion, especially now that most everything is made political or affiliated with one side of the evil swamp which unfortunately divides our country. On the flip side, living with Tim for over thirty two years has shown and (finally) taught me what it means to step away from a fight...any fight.

It took me until this past week to finally learn that.
This has been the most hateful and bitter election campaign I have ever been a part of or witnessed.  

 If  you know you are going to disagree about something, why even bring it up?

*Point (finally) taken.

My new philosophy?
"I'm me. You're you. Be a good person."

I could (and can) argue all day long, back and forth across social media, but here's the real deal. There's as much doo doo on one side as there is the other. Some of it just stinks a whole lot more.

All politicians are crooks (at least 99.9%  if not more) and both words are interchangeable in my opinion.

And how sad is that?

We've been worn down to the point of voting for the lesser of the evils, instead of being excited about electing someone we totally trust, who has all our best interests at heart.

My comment to America, in  2020?
"You're killing me Smalls."

My faith was renewed when we had the largest voter turnout in over a hundred years. 
This needs to and must happen for anything to change in politics.

The lowest level elections are the most important ones to show up for. The smaller the election, the more important it really is.
It's where real change starts.

Four years ago I was devastated on election night. My daughter, who had just voted in her first election cried herself to sleep. It was a long tumultuous night.

But here we are, four years later. I feel  a little worse for the wear, but am a total optimist.

Always have been. Always will be.
 My glass will always be half full.
 (pun intended)

I think finally America is waking up, and realizing how to really change things.

...Every single time.
It is what it is.

People turned out in record numbers to voice their opinion.
Who are we, as Americans to not embrace that?

Surely if I can endure four years of someone who doesn't hold the same values as I do, so can you. 

It really does take a village.
Worry about your own village first and foremost...and work your way outward.

It's not rocket's democracy.

Till next time...COTTON

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