Monday, November 23, 2020

Time to Breathe...Time to Think and Time to Thank


This worked for me, for a while. For a long while.

I was born in the year 1960; looking as if I was already envisioning what the past ten years of our lives would be like!

Maybe I should have been a gypsy fortune teller. I always liked their outfits, and the hours seemed totally flexible.

Then the year 2020 happened, and (spoiler alert) ain't over yet.

Not by a long shot.

We are still as divided over the election (which was Nov.4) as we are over having to (temporarily) wear a freaking mask when in save literally millions of lives. The ironic thing is that most of the non believers about wearing masks, consider themselves "Pro Lifer's."

 But if you aren't willing to simply wear a mask, diligently social distance, sanitize and wash your hands to save potentially millions of others, how can you consider yourself to be Pro Life?

A Life is a Life.

No matter how young or no matter how old.

That's pretty plain and simple.

I don't and won't debate people about it anymore. It's not up for debate with me. 

I'm suddenly one of the older , seemingly more easily disposable human beings.

Granted I'm not much to look at, but can still work circles around many millennials and a lot of people my own age or just a bit younger.

For six decades now I have roamed, furiously ran, sometimes slowly wandered, often stumbled down and even around the paths of life. All with a smile on my face if I could manage it, especially when others were looking. Nobody likes a quitter.

Throughout the decades I have encountered people less fortunate than me, every step of the way, even when at my lowest...and have always at least attempted to help.

  1. If you are perceptive, and a compassionate person, you will (and always should) help others less fortunate than yourself.
  2. No questions asked and no judgement imposed.
  3. There but by the Grace of God goes any one of us.

Everything else is just noise to me.

Think outside of the box. Love outside of the box. 

If I can end up a halfway decent person, so can you.
Give it a try and see how wonderful it feels.

Till next time...COTTON

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