Sunday, January 27, 2019

Old Peeps Need A Project

I've tried to be really good about tackling one project or part of a project, every single day since moving into our magical mystery tour of our new forever home, after ten years of debts and doubt.

It's been a complete blast.

It's all about "That was then, but this is now."

I've never been happier.

We're now living in a house almost as old as I am... which  weathered the journey better than me.

From all accounts we have heard (on our block and  further away)  since moving in, this property (now ours) was loved, cultivated, pruned, upgraded, and been the stomping grounds for more than one killer party.

Number one we have a tree hut for views of the sunset over the lake.

Number two we have an awesome fire pit out back, underneath massive live oaks with vines streaming down from them big enough for Tarzan to swing from...with tons of cut up wood waiting out back by the utility shed.

Bonus points for winter nights...luckily few and far between.

I love our bedroom with the wood floor and its five windows, but was just so dark with the wooden built ins as well.


Life is at its best when every day is a challenge but ends with you smiling at your accomplishments.

I'm one of the lucky ones.

I got nothing but time on my hands.

Some peeps don't.

Never worry about something small in your life. If something small happens, you're one of the lucky ones.

My prayers are fast and furious for my warrior friends.



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