Wednesday, January 9, 2019

You're Killing Me Smalls, on the Left, and Right.

I used to think I was just an okay, kinda clever, not super smart and certainly not very intellectual person.

I'm beginning to change my mind about that entire last sentence.

We have a political three ring Shit Show going on in this country, getting worse and more hateful each and every day, and doing nothing but tear us apart..literally.

It's like we're building a proverbial wall around our own personal views and opinions... and there simply aren't enough fingers to point, to even go around the room once.

Talk about the elephant (or donkey) in a room?!!

(Or all parties?)

My favorite thing is how everyone likes to believe their social media post or share is the only correct,
 true, or viable point of view.


then I got some swampland in Florida to sell you.

Hate fixes nothing,
but love can move mountains.


I'm (mostly) tired just from being an almost fifty nine year old plate slinging waitress, but (and it's a Big Butt) these past couple of years have  worn me totally slap out, listening to coats, ties and dresses in Washington ... living off our dimes, deciding what's right for everyone, especially the Average Joe or Joanna.

But in the meantime, why don't we show all them what we are made of?

Be kind to one another.

 Put needs above affiliations.

Never assume.

Pay it forward.

Don't wait to be asked.

Never Hate.
(except for Casey Anthony)

Always vote.

It's totally true what they say...
"You catch more flies with honey than vinegar."

  My only New Year's resolution is to give up vinegar.

What's yours?

Till next time...


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