Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Lawdy, with all the craziness going on in and around this cray cray world, and all the spewed hate talk bounced around this election season,  it really makes you wonder... exactly how stupid are  people?

If something is posted on a social media page or website and goes along with someones' way of thinking, it is usually automatically assumed to be a fact and quickly passed on, as factual...

when in fact, it isn't.

All it is , is a widely spread opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.

I see more hateful comments and downright degrading, insulting, racist remarks posted by people who also always post a favorite daily Bible verse than ones who have an actual clue about life.

I'm not thinking that goes over too well with The Big Guy Upstairs... just saying.

Opinions like these are to be addressed in the privacy of the local polling booth...'nough said.

It makes me cringe to see people I've known all my life or for a very long time, accusingly point fingers at others when they haven't always been the saint they appear to be now.

How quickly some forget.

Luckily for me, I've never claimed nor thought of myself to be a saint, and am most  probably further away from being one than closer to, but am okay with that. I am a work in progress.

Here's my spin on life in 2018...

Politically,  until we all agree to meet in the middle... as a nation of  concerned yet mildly cautious moderates and equally cautious but concerned progressives, both willing to listen with an open mind and also give and take... we will continue and shoot ourselves in the foot.

Time and time again and year after year after year.

Our only recourse, our only way of changing anything is to vote.

Never vote for a party or a person, vote for policy you believe in.

 But most importantly.

Yeah, I didn't fact check this one (my bad) but from previous searches am pretty much sure is accurate...and is pretty sad.

Almost half of us aren't even checking in or offering our opinions, which do count, by the way!

If you are that worried about the state of affairs in this country or world, call your local voter registration office and ask what you can do to help.

Don't just bitch about it on social media.

I'm getting older, but at the age of almost sixty, am starting to get it.

Do something nice...today and every day.
It will make you feel better.

Til next time...COTTON

1 comment:

LynneFtWorth said...

Really enjoy your blog. Been missing your take on life. Hope all is well.