Monday, January 15, 2018

Pretty Sad Day

           If you've never owned a dog, you may not get why I keep posting about our dog.

Today was the final chapter in Charlie's thirteen year life. We woke up by seven AM and were on the way to the vet before eight. It may sound crazy but think Charlie was ready too. We put him on the leash and he willingly sauntered out to my car and slowly climbed into my back seat. He promptly laid down. We got to the Vet and he lumbered back out of the car. He usually doesn't take direction well, especially from strangers in a strange place but followed all commands asked by the techs...from stepping on to the scale to following another tech out of the room to have a catheter put into his leg.

At this point, Tim said he didn't really want to be in the room while they administered the shot.

I said Charlie has been by our side for almost thirteen years. What kind of people would we be, if we weren't by his side now?

They brought him back in to the room and the tech gave him a treat from a cup off the counter. Charlie slowly chewed it up and she said "You can have the entire cup if you want " and poured it onto the dog bed where I was sitting with him.

I immediately liked these people and knew we had found our new Orlando animal clinic.

Charlie never seemed nervous or anxious, which I was worried about, because I was nervous and anxious.

The vet came in and asked us a few questions about Sir Charles. She asked if we wanted to try some pain medication to help with his joint and breathing problems first. I told her we had tried  but at this point felt it best for him to simply be released from all his aches and pain.

She agreed, just stating she was obligated to ask. She also remarked how astounded she was that he was a thirteen year old English Bulldog.

She was very gentle and caring with Charlie, as well as with Tim and me.  She asked if we were ready and with tears and snot already flowing said yes.

Here's the thing. I never thought Charlie would be as calm as he was, especially knowing he could totally sense our anxiety.

He never flinched, he never tried to get up.

The ole boy just wanted his release and think was okay with that, as long as we were right by his side. 

And we were.

It took less than a minute.

It broke part of my heart but filled the other,  knowing he was whole again.

Silent car ride home for us both, except for commenting about how great the staff had been after first getting back into the car....sans Charlie.

Half of me is relieved for him. He much deserved rest from his pain. The other half is an emotional wreck.

I went into work at noon and I was okay until someone mentioned how sorry they were. I then fell apart on the inside, but kept it down to tears welling up on the outside.

                                                There is nothing better than a dog's love.

If this world had more dogs than people in it... would truly be a loving and wonderful place to live, with abundant happiness and no critcism or or judgement.

I salute you, Sir Charles

Till next time, COTTON

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