Thursday, January 7, 2010

Slip Sliding Away...Literally

The first picture is of my busted upper lip. Trust me it looks ten times better than it did yesterday. Last night I went out back to let the dogs out. Their water bowl was frozen solid so I dumped out the dome of frozen liquid and went inside to get them a fresh bowl. Everything here has been frozen solid for days. The good thing is that they don't track mud in... the bad thing is that the water freezes in their bowls in no time.

When I went back out with a fresh bowl... I forgot I had dumped the frozen water right by the door. (mistake number one.)

I know my back porch so well I didn't bother to turn the light on (mistake number two.)

By the time my foot hit the frozen block of water everything turned into slow motion. The water bowl flew out of my hands as I went face first into the edge of my glass patio table. I grabbed for a chair to try and cushion the blow only to have it turn and smack me squarely in the temple and collar bone. I can't even sleep with the left side of my head on the pillow it hurts so bad. I can only open my mouth halfway the pain is so intense. Tim fixed me a bologna sandwich today and I had to smash it as flat as I could so it could fit in my mouth without having to scream.

Tim went out back and removed all the ice and we put out some salt .

Today the snow came... The dogs are fascinated with it. I shot this short video of them when I let them out when I got home from work tonight. (With the porch light turned ON.)

Even Zach has gotten out his winter hat...granted he still has on shorts but has covered his scrawny head.

I have to be back at work in the morning...not looking forward to THAT drive, but I'll take it slow and will make it I am sure.

Hopefully I didn't break any bones in my face...If I still can't open my mouth open more than two inches in a week I'll go see the dog's vet and see if they'll give me a deal on an ex ray.

The snow is pretty and it brings out genuine excitement in us southern folks. It is such a blanket of calmness and quiet. It's kind of a nice...every once in a while.

Til next time...Trying to Heal Cotton

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