Thursday, January 17, 2008

It amazes me....the public sector

Just home from work again.. after cleaning up where my kids roosted, ate, drank and watched the "boob" tube... I put in another load of laundry, and sat down to type. People can be so very nice, and they can be complete asses. (pardon the expression) I work in a REALLY busy restaurant. I realize that "eatin out ain't cheap" .. that is why my family doesn't do it too much. But where in the "eating out handbook" does it say that you can treat servers like "servants" ? I had a gentleman ( using the term loosely to cover a broad category) at my table one night. Granted, it was a tremendously busy night, and I was on the point of being "in the weeds" ( refer back to an earlier post if you do not recognize this term). I put their steaks down in front of them, said " I'll be right back to check on you" and continued to try to catch up with myself. Before I could get back to the table, the "ole coot" stopped a manager and said that he was appalled at my lack of service.... I did not even offer him steak sauce. Well, we are trained not to offer steak sauce, because we are trained to learn that our steaks are perfect when they hit the table. We put a lemon butter sauce on our steaks when we cook them, and on them once again before they go out to the table. It is a great sauce for a steak.. I actually do it at my house when grilling at home.... try it some time, and you will be amazed at my giving you this little secret. ANYHOOO....... the man continued to tirade ON AND ON AND ON. I live and work on the south side of Atlanta, which I guess I have to say is not as affluent as downtown Atlanta, or the Buckhead area of Atlanta. Well this "dude".... I refuse to call him a gentleman any longer.. just kept on and on with me..using GOD****, a lot, and several other curse words that I felt were totally offensive. All of this over me not offering him steak sauce. When I went to apologize (which I did not want to do in the first place..but I need my job) He told me ... Well all I have to say is that you give typical "south side" service. I was in tears at this point, and his wife gave me an apologetic look, like "think how it is to live with this "A HOLE ". " But you know what? That is the last time a customer has made me cry. Was this idiot worth me getting ALL worked up and upset, and wasting my emotions over a bottle of A-1 ?? Of course my manager had to apologize for me, and act like we had done something wrong. But how on Earth, do people get SO bent out of shape over such a small, insignificant situation? I have waited for several years to see this man out on the street, and to walk up to him, and say " you are the most trivial and mean spirited man I have ever met, and I hope that one day you truly realize the meaning and concept of being a caring and thoughtful human being." Of course it would mean nothing to him, but would give me great joy....and maybe his wife a shot at some happiness. Till next time... Cotton

1 comment:

Frances said...

I hope you get your chance at this guy. It is a bad saying that "The customer is always right" We know that is not true but nevertheless we have to grit our teeth and endure it sometimes. Hope you don't run into that kind very often. I really enjoy your writings and look everyday to see if you have written anything new. I look forward to it. Frances