Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Well, another night is upon me, my 15 year old is upstairs having his guitar lesson, the dishwasher is running, the husband is in bed, my youngest is asleep, my oldest is out running ( I don't like to think about what he may be doing) Actually, my youngest son is upstairs introducing his guitar teacher to "Rock Band" ..Thank the Lord he has already had his lesson, because "Rock Band" seems to be all the craze these days. If they had as awesome a game as Rock Band when I was young, I may have never met a 'SLOE GIN FIZZ". How in the heck did we drink that stuff? I can remember nights in Underground Atlanta when we were young... Thank the Lord that my kids don't know about it. Times in the seventies were SO different from today. Back then we were worried about getting caught by our parents, lying about where we were spending the night.. today, you worry about your children getting molested, or raped and killed by an absolute FREAK of nature. It amazes me that we have progressed SO far, to only find out that there are so many FREAKS, and PREDATORS that will just come swooping into your life, only to snatch away the one that you hold dear. A man was arrested in North GA. for killing a young woman in her twenties...WHY??? he could have gone to almost any street corner in America, and found a woman for sex for absolutely free. It terrifies me for my own daughter, and makes me wonder about the lawsuit recently submitted about lethal injection being painful to the inmates. Did their victim feel no pain? Did their family feel no pain? Why should we worry about the state that they are in as they pay for their crimes? Just one more opinion of mine, which are to be followed by hundreds. Now that I have this outlet, and people that may read, agree, or disagree with.. I feel a relief of great proportions, and a feeling that this may be the greatest thing I have ever done in my life.. always feel free to add to my rambling, because I will always feel compelled to add more, hear more and learn more from every one of you. Till tomorrow... Cotton

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