Sunday, August 18, 2024

Our Girl


She came crashing into our life weighing barely four pounds and two months early. I remember Tim telling me after waking up after the ambulance ride to the hospital that Dr. Moore said it was touch and go but besides the blood loss (mine and hers) everything should be okay...and (thankfully)was.

She turned into the cutest baby and toddler I've ever seen, right from the jump.

 I don't think she said more than ten words before she turned four.

Once she finally started talking, the Kelly in her took right over and she's been chatting ever since. And she's still a beauty, inside and out.

It's been a pleasure raising my "Best Friend Forever."

                    She is turning twenty nine. How on God's Green Earth did that happen so quickly?

She keeps me in line now. She corrects me (a lot) when I say something which isn't socially correct or accepted anymore. She rolls her eyes at me but that's okay, I did the same thing with my own mother.

She's literally dragging me down the cyber highway with all things technology related and I would be either hacked  (again) or completely lost without her eye rolling assistance. In other words, "I adore her."

               Almost thirty years with  her and I still love her more each and every single day. Her heart is deep and wide, and accepting.

I think every single person who knows her would absolutely agree with me. If Massey is on your team, she has your back, is going to show up every single time and be your biggest champion.

This wounded world would be a much better place with more people like Massey in it. I'm just fortunate enough to have her on my team by proxy.

This picture of Massey, my sister and me at the beach all those years ago reminds me every time I see it that women can move mountains too.

I Love You, Massey...and thanks for loving me.

Happy Birthday, Lil' Hurricane

1 comment:

Cloudy and Calm said...

Awwwww. Happy Birthday Massey! Lovin' this post!