Sunday, August 11, 2024

Earth angels are real

My Earth Angels. They are so real and they are so spectacular.

 I am so thankful they continue and allow me to be their friend and witness their greatness, especially after all they have done for me and countless others. If the end of time comes and we all go at once, I'm hitching a ride Upstairs with them and hoping I get in the Pearly Gates by proxy.  

My retired life is amazingly enough filled with nothing but spare time, no rules or regulations or time clocks to punch.

Has it been a journey to get to this point? Absolutely.

Would I change that journey if I could? Absolutely not.

Not always, but generally what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

At least that's been my experience (thus far) and I'm sixty four.

Of course some people experience the Kennedy syndrome. Hit after hit and catastrophe, one after another. At least they had money.

 I tend to think about the millions upon millions upon millions who hit the skids, get a bum deal, make a bad decision, have a run of bad luck or get that dreaded medical diagnosis with no insurance or means to pay.

Anyone who follows me or knows me, knows what a hippie (peace, love and rock and roll) and total believer I am in coexistence and an equal playing field.

If some circumstance seems weird or wrong to you; maybe it's because you have never been in that person's situation or ever walked a mile in their shoes.

Why don't people think of life that way more often?
Or always?

I'm with the old hippy. (see above)

I have so much spare time that I totally took it upon myself to barge into another person's story and start steam rolling.

It took well over six months for me after getting involved, took  well over a decade and then some for her sister to even find her...but we got a homeless woman off the streets.

I cannot even fathom or begin to think what mental toll it has taken on Cathy to live on the streets and under bridges for eleven years. Especially as a woman who is tinier than me and has been abused by men. (and I ain't big)

But I can tell you this. 

She has a village now. And it is a village of warriors behind her, for what is right, and for what she deserves.

A home.

 I simply feel lucky that I am a good "Friend Picker."

On move in day we couldn't hook up the donated washer and dryer because we were missing the water hoses and the dryer needed a different cord. (three prong vs four prong)

Today one of my Earth Angels drove up from twenty five miles south to Cathy's new digs, bought and brought the new hoses and cords needed to hook up the washer and dryer so  Cathy doesn't have to wash her clothes in the wash tub anymore and hang them to air dry.

He (by himself) moved about almost a thousand pounds of furniture while about five of us old women cheered him on and held a hand truck for him from slipping. (Go Us) .

There have been so many others. It has been an abundance of blessings. Family, friends. Friends of friends and even strangers.

Look beyond your own self. Look beyond your own story.

It's called the Golden Rule for a reason.

I inserted myself into this story. I didn't do it for credit. I did it because it  felt like it was the right thing to do. And it was.

Lucky for me, my family and friends felt the same way...even people I didn't even know felt the same way too.

In this world of hate, in this country of division...we gotta move on. We have to do better.

Wouldn't you rather be a part of the solution than a part of the problem?

Peace out and Love each other... COTTON

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