Sunday, August 11, 2024

I'm Pretty Much CLUE Less


Facebook, or as I've come to call it, Hatebook just isn't my cup of tea these days. Especially in a contentious election year. I prefer the ole TikTocker or Insta. Much easier to navigate the algorithms and only see what I want to see. My Hatebook is full of people I've known my whole life who have apparently lost their minds and sometimes seem almost delusional about certain topics. Sometimes it's better to keep things closer to your chest, especially politics and religion. I have said it many times, it's social media not social studies.


I used to really enjoy FB and will continue to post my dog vids and garden/food/craft finds and for now my blog posts. (until I figure out Substack) 

I came across this cool game on the ole TikTok and ordered it. Q-Less. It was less than $15 and right up my alley, a solitary game of Scrabble played with dice with letters printed on every side. I moronically thought the name was a play on the word Clueless.

It arrived and I was immediately obsessed. I got all fancy and used my Yahtzee cup to shake the dice up before I rolled them onto the table.

I literally played it non stop for about five days before I realized why it was called Q-Less. There's no Q on any of the dice.


It made me feel better when my daughter (who I constantly ask for help from whether it be a game or computer issue) said when she went to bed the other night, she actually thought "What will happen if Mom rolls a Q without a U?"

Kudos to me, that was the night I finally figured out why it was called Q-Less. Let me add, I felt like a total dumb ass. (which doesn't require a Q or U)

You know, at this point in my life I'm just happy to wake up every day and feel extremely grateful when The Big Guy Upstairs lets me do it again the next morning. I'm not sure what's going on in the world, so many people I know dying so young.  So many people who are struggling to make ends meet. 



I was (absolutely) probably the ugliest baby my mother ever had. But they took me home from the hospital and gave me a more than spectacular early life and youth. Guess Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta didn't give refunds. Also I can't even believe they paid money for this picture.

I may be clueless but I get the drift. Be a good person.

It's been so much fun being back on my blog, which at this point in the technology world is probably an outdated way to navigate the cyber highway but one I feel most comfortable with...for now.

Here's my take away from life thus far, and I am sixty four, which is obviously the last leg of my race, any way you look at it. Do good things when you can. When you don't agree with other people, let it go. Left wing, right wing? It's still the same bird, but let's work together to make it fly.

I much prefer laughing over crying and have done both.


I didn't get much cuter as I grew up but my Momma sure knew how to sew a fancy shirt!

This ole woman will continue on  as long as she can. I don't want to live a long life, I want to live a wide one.

Peace Out and Be Happy... COTTON


Cloudy and Calm said...

Love that you are blogging again. Hope you stop trying to figure out Smokestack, because it took me a long time (years ago) to read THIS blog. And why do I have to log in to leave a comment? If it is this hard to access your writing, why would strangers get here randomly and leave comments?

Cloudy and Calm said...

Ironically, I recieved my morning Election Prayer phone call while writing the above. Today's topic is "we" and the speaker reminded us that we need both wings to fly. He ended his prayer with "Let's Fly!"

I love synchronicity and I love you.