Saturday, July 11, 2020

We Can Do Hard Things

Trust me, our family has done hard things.

My daughter suggested,  and  loaned me a book to read a couple of weeks ago.

I've been out of work since March 16th.
I have nothing but time, and most fortunately have a wonderful place to do exactly that.

After the very first page, I knew I needed to read this I did.
And highly recommend it.

Sometimes you have to do hard things...
 I can, we can, they can, and you can.
And sometimes we all must.

Never roll over and wallow in pity, it helps absolutely nothing.
Instead, revel in your despair, knowing you can and will rise above it.
Your trials and tribulations are what make you who you are!
Embrace, face and figure it out.
Life doesn't come with any guarantees, it's basically a Fire Sale.

Life is literally a "Stop and smell the roses" mentality check for the soul.

For the first time since 2017, this past week, we were all together again.
 Unfortunately Tim's dad crossed the finish line of his own life here on earth.
It was a bittersweet gathering.

I am literally 95% done with my own life as I know it.

It's kinda scary and it's kinda awesome.

Ten years ago I was kiting checks to just keep the power on; also always  lucky enough to be able and borrow  money to make the check good with a loan from my boss...interest never once charged, and trust me, I borrowed a lot.
For a long time.

You gotta work with what you've got and hope you work hard enough to earn the respect of  those who employ you.

Side note;
Work for awesome people.

So here we are, ten years later down the road...going on eleven.

Time and time again, Tim and I have said we'd do it all over again, to get here,to this exact place.

It's nothing fancy on the inside, but is actually everything I have ever wanted in a house.

And the outside?

Shut the front door...(and then some).

 It is every thing I've ever dreamed of having and then some.

Keep spinning those wheels, even when you think  you're just slinging up mud.

Trust me, if I can do it, so can you.

Til next time, COTTON

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